Have you ever wanted something so much that you felt like you were going to D.I.E. if you didn’t have it? Yes, I know most of us grow out of immaturity when we turn eighteen. But a 聽few select of us fall in ranks with Veruca Salt who screams, “But I want it now, Daddy!!!”

I’ve been in the coastal region of Vallarta, Mexico scouting out possible wedding locations and it’s been… an adventure. Monkeys, bugs, beaches, and some pretty shady hotels later, we finally arrive to thee location spot that I’ve insisted on getting married. [And when I say聽insisted, visualize some coquettish tactics, tears, and yes, even a tantrum.]

A thirty minute boat ride to a gorgeous coast of Yelapa has proven to be everything I’ve imagined. Great food, amazing locale, and scenery to make even a blind man swoon.

I’m here. I’m happy. I’m excited. But it’s not where I’m suppose to get married. I can’t explain it other than… it’s not where I’m suppose to get married.

Paralleling life and biblical principles seem to happen concurrently. I can’t聽do life and not see the providential hand of God in all that I do.

Yes, I got my way. Yes, it’s gorgeous. But no, I’m not at peace.

When God wants us to be somewhere, yet we choose to be somewhere else, there is a peace that only God can provide. Jonah, Naomi, Gideon, and Bianca. I categorize myself in those who knew they had to be in the place God asked them to be, yet took a slight detour.

So, my whirl-wind tour of Nuevo Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, and Yelapa ends today and I’m at peace with wherever God sends me. He hasn’t let me down so far–I’m affirmed He won’t let me know down.

Are you at peace with where God has you? Are you blatantly doing something you know you aren’t suppose to? I hope you have the peace of God that passes all understanding… (Phil 4:6)

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