You know you’ve done it. You know you have. So let’s just get it all out in the open and keep it real.

Gossip happens at work, at school, at home, and yes, even at church. When someone on youtube asked me to address the issue of gossip months ago, I debated whether or not it had to be discussed simply because scripture is quite clear about the gossiper and the gossiped about.

But when I received two more questions on facebook about it, I realized it wasn’t necessarily the issue of gossip, but more an issue of how we use spiritual means to perpetuate gossip. We use “accountability” as license to divulge information and phrases like,”keep him in prayer because…” as a way to spread info around like butter on toast. And really, who doesn’t like butter on toast?

True wisdom comes from asking ten questions before giving one answer. So let’s handle this. What are ways we can change this? What is true care and concern versus gossip and slander? How do you fail or succeed at this in your own life?

For more resources and references on gossip, click on the following links:

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Bianca Olthoff