I think all of us have been there. Don’t lie, it’s true.

We’ve all had a moment where we have to show up in an environment and lead, even when we feel incapable to. Whether its at school, in a boardroom, at a prayer meeting, or in a living room, we have responsibilities that call on us to lead—even when we feel like we shouldn’t.


She approached with a big smile and introduced herself. I just had finished my teaching at Allume on Saturday morning and everyone was scattering off to various workshops and seminars, but she stayed. In a moment of honest vulnerability she shared her struggle with the responsibility of balancing motherhood, writing, and being the pastor’s wife she thinks she should be.

I feel like I can’t lead and be the pastor’s wife I should be until I can get this all worked out.

Here’s a secret I will share with my Internet friends: We will never have it all together. If we wait to lead until that assignment is done, those things are changed, I have lost that weight, we will never fully live in the blessings that are ours.

There are so many great leadership tools, books, and blogs about leadership, so I’m not going to get all John Maxwell on you. The perspective I bring has less to do with 5 Great Tips for Time Management or the 3 Essentials of Executive Leadership, and more to do with the iconic phrase Nike coined in the 90s: Just Do It.

With tears of frustration in her eyes, she really needed some wisdom. I wanted to give her some Seth Godin wisdom or equip her with 7 Keys, 5 Great Tips, or 3 Essentials, but I had to be honest and tell her, Look, it’s Hot Mess LeadershipWe lead not because we’re perfect or have our junk together, but because we are called to. We don’t lead because we can, we lead because we are called. 

I had to laugh as I spoke with my new Allume friend because the night before I taught, a friendly, good-night conversation with Matt turned into bickering about something SO stupid. It went something like:

Matt: Great to hear the conference is going well! I’m praying for you.
Me: Great thanks!
Matt: Also, did you realize you did ________?
Me: Whoa, it was a mistake. And I even asked you about it before I moved forward.
Matt: But you didn’t even consider how that would effect me and our weekend.
Me: Are we fighting? Is this a fight? I can’t do this right now! I’m teaching in the morning. You know, from the BIBLE! I can’t fight and try to be holy at the same time?!
Matt: This is not a fight. It’s a conversation and you’re flying off the handle. You need to—
Me: FLYING OFF THE HANDLE? I can’t do this right now. I just can’t! You know what this is? It’s SPIRITUAL WARFARE!

Thankfully the issue was resolved, but in that moment I heard all the lies in my head raise in volume. You shouldn’t be here. You’re a horrible person. How can you stand behind the word of God and teach others when you can’t even lead yourself. 

I explained to her that even in moments when we feel like a HOT MESS, we must still show up. Gideon led his army into battle, but he wrestled with doubt and indecision. Abraham led as the patriarch of faith, yet denied his marriage covenant to Sarah out of fear. Barak led troops to battle with the Canaanites, but asked for Deborah to come with him out of a lack of trust. David led a motley crew of bandits, even though he was in exile. We don’t lead because we can, but because we are called.* Just do it!

My boss says that sometimes leadership and being used is simply because you’re still standing. Many people walk away and quit. Are you committed to showing up even when you feel you can’t, shouldn’t, or don’t want to?

Just do it.


*This is in no way an excuse to sin or license to act a fool. This is just a reminder that God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. Or as the Message version says, He uses nobodies. I’m proof of that!

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