Dear God,

If gambling is wrong please forgive me playing one nickle in a slot machine with Grandma in Las Vegas when I turned 21.
In Jesus name, amen.
Growing up in a conservative household was fun! We learned that Las Vegas is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, tattoos are bad, and smoking is Satan’s candy. Today I loathe Vegas, don’t have any tattoos, and cringe at the smell of smoke. But it has nothing to do with my theology and everything to do with personal choices.
Though there is substantial argumentation for a stance against gambling [see below], in the light of scripture I want to be careful not to sow red letters onto the chest of specific vices.
The bible is clear on greed (1 Tim. 6:10), addiction (1 Cor. 6:12), and lust (1 Thes. 4:4-5), which are commonly associated with gambling. But there is also this freedom and liberty given to Christians to be responsible for our choices [reason #827,481 why I love being a Christian].
Conservative arguementation against gambling (and my two cents):
  • Denies the reality of God’s sovereignty. The whole discussion of sovereignty is loaded, so I will simply say that “chance” is contrary to Psalm 103:19.
  • Builds on irresponsible stewarship. Matthew 6:19-20. With that being said, if I’m tithing, paying bills, and canceling debt before I use leisure allowences, I’m still a good steward.
  • Driven by the sin of covetousness. Exodus 20:17. But this could be said for clothing, cars, and the opposite sex.
  • Builds on the explotation of others. Exodus 20:15. If we’re going to split hairs, Nike shoes are made upon the explotation of Chinese workers, our fruits and vegetables are picked by under-paid workers, and our coffee is at the expense of children’s lives in South America.
Comments, thoughts, stones to throw?

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Bianca Olthoff