When we feel dry and unusable and bored, know God’s spirit is alive and well. When we see poverty, despair, and hopelessness, know God’s spirit is alive and well. When people feel far and church seems obligatory and life is mundane, know God’s spirit is alive and well. When we think we have all the answers and we are the only ones really doing church right, maybe we can learn some lessons from those beyond American borders who really know God’s spirit is alive and well.

When we feel like church programming is lame or our seat is uncomfortable or our audio system projects worship music too loud or the air conditioning is too cold or we can’t sit in our favorite seat or we feel persecuted because we have to park far away from the sanctuary, know there are people who walk miles to stand in a small sanctuary, in a hot, stuffy room, without a bible they own to worship our same God, remember God’s spirit is alive and well.

When children complain about the wrong poptart choice or dry snacks during Sunday school, know there are children who walk to local churches to receive a breakfast their parents can’t afford to provide. When people complain about children interrupting a church service, know that a father is carrying a infant in his arms to ensure she is part of a worship service and remember that God’s spirit is alive and well.

When we’re upset that the church grounds are being worn out and too many people are abusing the facilities, know there are churches which double as shelters, community centers, and kitchens. Know there are meeting places that serve spiritual food on Sunday and physical food all other days of the week. So the syrup you smell? The tethered chairs you feel? It’s because our facilities are being used, hearts are being changed, and souls are being fed.

So the we I speak so passionately about is me. ME. I need to be reminded chairs and lights and programs don’t matter as much as knowing the spirit of God is alive and well. Beyond our comfy pews. Beyond our air-conditioned sanctuaries. Beyond the programs and yawns and obligation. Beyond all that there are people who really know the Spirit of God is alive and well.  In small churches across the world people with dark skin, light skin, big eyes, and small eyes are worshipping the same God. In mega churches across the globe, we sing the same songs and love the same God and read the same bible. And it’s amazing.

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