You know you’re stressed when…

…your left eyes twitches involuntarily at the sound of an email notification.
…you begin to speak a language only you and celestial beings understand.
…you begin to talk to yourself, then disagree about the subject, get into a fight over it, lose, and refuse to talk to yourself for the next hour.
…you respond with flipping over tables and yelling, “You brood of vipers,” when people ask you WWJD.
…you specifically stay sequestered in your office so as to not have to waste a nanosecond on the noun, hello.
…you keep yelling, “Stop touching me!” even though you’re the only person in the room.
…you wake up at 4:32am singing songs from Psalty the Singing Songbook.
…you write the same sentence over and over, without realizing you’ve written it before.
…you write the same sentence over and over, without realizing you’ve written it before.
…you stop drinking water because using the restroom is a waste of time and energy.
My life.

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