I love to cook, but I’m admittedly not a chef. When we have guests and I’m preparing to whip up a meal, I undoubtedly will stress out and make a meal far outside of my skill set. But if my family comes over, I will default to what I know: quesadillas with corn tortillas, beans, chips, and salsa. It’s home. It’s comfort. It’s what is totally me.

I realized this week that my default when I’m nervous in any situation is to try to impress with things outside of my skill set. A quiet spirit. A muffled laugh. A calm interjection as a doting wife. But around my family I’m the loud-mouthed, opinionated, passionate girl who likes to stir things up. It’s what is totally me.

I’ve been invited to share at Mariners Church for their With or Without series to close out the small-groups fall kickoff. I’m nervous and all my defaults are ringing like a country bell at meal time because Mariners is my home church. It’s my new family. Parallel this to dining with in-laws for the first time; I’m and trying to channel my inner Martha Stewart when I’m really like the lady off the Cholula bottle.

With or Without is more than an appropriate theme given that I want to teach with the power of the Holy Spirit and without the nerves. I don’t want to pretend to be someone I’m not to try to impress family. Why, you may ask. Because you can’t get rid of family and they’re around forever! 😉

If you’re in the Orange County area and are free tomorrow night, come by! It’ll be a gathering of people who are passionate about Christ and want to know God and each other on a deeper, more intimate level.

Mariners Church is in Irvine and the gathering will begin at 7:00pm in the upper room located above the cafe and bookstore. If you come, I’ll whip you up some quesadillas and salsa because you’re family! [Not really, but I will give you a hug ;)] Oh yeah, can you pray for me? I can always depends on my Internet friends to cover me in prayer!

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