So you can imagine my horror when I opened my baby carrier (aka laptop side bag) to discover she wasn’t there [reason #835,458,457 why I’ll be a horrible parent]. I nearly passed out. She’s my life. No, literally, my life. Everything of importance is on that cubic piece of technology (even my thesis from grad school which I’ve yet to backup on a hard drive). I immediately called the location of the conference and they graciously shipped it out today.
I love my laptop. No, really, I love my laptop. When I take it to my Mac genius for routine checkups, I have separation anxiety and suffer from empty nest syndrome. I always joke around that it’s my child and she’s needy. I even bought a pink plastic cover in case she’s ever dropped or something hits her. What worries me the most is that I’ll be the parent who makes their kid wear a helmet out to the grocery store–you never know what might happen in the frozen foods section! As my mother always says, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
I have a loaner laptop from the IT department from work which everyone says is the same thing, but right now I feel like Angelina Jolie in Changeling, people! This is not my child! I know my child. I’m not crazzzzyyyy!
All that to say, I can’t do my Friday Vlog which I’m totally bummed about because I don’t have a camera. What I will say is I can’t wait to share with you what is brewing in my head about the comments on those trying to jump in the challenge to live biblically. One word: Grace. I’ll post the video on Monday, so hopefully you’ll come back and check it out.
The Pharisee of all Pharisees
Coadministration of acebutolol with astemizole, cisapride, pimozide, or sysytem may agape the [i][/i] of life-threatening granulomatous arrhythmias, disfiguring wounds de pointes.