The sun was setting over rolling hills of green, casting an orange glow in the air. Music played in the distance and there was a skip in my step to the melodic wheeze of an accordion. Walking through Olympic park with Matt on our last night in Berlin was not only memorable, it was moving.

As we continued to walk towards the lake, the music became more clear and the only way to describe the tune was happy. Yes, happy. I grabbed Matt’s hand and did a little shuffle to the music realizing we were the only ones in the park. The sidewalks empty, the playgrounds bare. And yet, the musician continued on like the Pied Piper with no mice in sight.

A few more minutes into the direction of the melody was when I saw the artist in action. There, by himself, he blew into an air accordion while creating beats on a key board, moving his head in timed patterns of German oompah music with a smile on his face. There, by himself, he played music not for adulation or adoration, but simply for the art of music. He played for the sake of art, with or without the applause of others.

I watched the musician from a far and was inspired by his dedication to continue to do the work even when it felt like no one was watching, no one cared, or no one appreciated his skill. Because there are moments in life when it feels like no one is watching, no one cares, or no one appreciates the labor we put into projects. But it matters.

Your work matters because when you continue on, it inspires others to do the same. Do the work. Don’t give up. Even when it feels like no one is watching.

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