We sat in folding chairs as the room emptied out. Her story was tragic and broken and gut wrenching, like so many women today. Absentee father, addictions, a financial cycle from wealth to poverty to wealth to poverty. We went from one story to the next about her loss, her sadness, her pain. The despair she felt was palpating, the desperation physical, and the sadness exhausting.

The Blame Game included players like her mother, her father, herself, ex-boyfriend, herself, God, herself. Every time a new card was played I watched her spin out of control, grasping for anything as her defense. After rounds and rounds of this proverbial game, I asked her a simple question:

What do you want?

She began to tell me about her struggles and addictions and sickness and then I stopped her. I had to stop her.

What do you want?

The stories continued—valid as they were—but I refused to continue the cycle.

What do you want?

My cards were shown and the game was over. We needed to cash out some truth. Yes, there were horrible things done to her. And yes, she made horrible decisions. And yes, right now life is difficult.

But what do you want?ย 

We can’t clearly go where we are called to go and be who we are called to be if we look back at our past. Lot’s wife tried to do it and she turned into a salty and bitter woman [da dum ching!]. The man at the pool of Bethesda waited for a healing for 38 years when he was so close to healing waters. The children of Israel would’ve found the Promise Land had they not been whining and crying about the land they wanted to return to.

Sometimes we’re so close to a healing, but we constantly look at our past as either a weight or a want, rather than focusing at our future as our hope and our promise.ย 

Once my new friend verbally expressed what she wanted, I asked her to repeat it. Once we know what we want, we then can come to God’s throne of mercy and grace and ask for favor. She wasn’t asking for wealth or vanity, she wanted healing and wholeness.

Once we knew what she wanted her future to look like, we asked God to do the miraculous in her life. We sought the God Of The Impossible to do a healing work in her life, to deliver her from her past, and give her a vision for her future.

Stop playing the Blame Game, walking backwards, and spinning out of control. What do you want? Ask God to meet you where you are.

So I have to ask, what do YOU want?

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