
When days turn into nights and weeks turn into months, some things remain the same. My fierce frustration and my fierce love temper moments when I feel like I’m going insane because I said I do to a man much different than myself. The structure was too tight, the order was too stifling, the commitment to love you until my very last breathΒ too impossible.

But then—in those hard moments of pain—you challenge me to hold on to what we know to be true. That’s your phrase, you know that? What do you know to be true, you ask me when work is too hard, when money is too thin, when life is too transparent. Deep inside I want to scream and run inside my closet where I’m alone and it’s dark and I can pretend that the monsters outside of the closet are worse than the one crying on the floor of the closet. But I can’t. You won’t let me.

So today, two years after I vowed to be your wife, I know this to be true…

When life seems too hard, too much, too unbearable, there is a God
When I’m confused and alone and need the arms of God to envelope me, I have you
When the light at the end of the tunnel is nothing more than a speck, you create a sky light
When walking on ledge, debating to jump, you beckon me down and assuredly promise we’re going to be great
When budgets taunt me and bank accounts constrain me, you remind me of freedom and responsibility
When calling is clouded and doubt circle like vultures waiting for spoil, you breath life into my dreams
When I’m angry with you, resent your every being, you manage to make me love you again
When you fail me, hurt me, and pain me, I know you’re human
When humanity is all we have, I hold onto the only other human to swore to love me until death

Two years ago today, I promised to love you, to keep you, to take your home as my home, your children as my children, your bed as my bed. And this I know to be to true: Today I still keep those words, to that vow. I love you… until my very last breath.

We’ve remained faithful and in love for 730 days. Let’s make it 9,243,781 more days into nights and weeks into months.

Happy anniversary, Matthew. I love you.

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