The nerves set in as the band loaded in and sound checked. The reality of preparation, prayer, and stress had all manifested into one night. The night felt warm, but not because of the weather. The faces and smiles of friends gathered in one place brought an overwhelming calm to my soul and excitement to my heart.

The room began to fill with people waiting for the night to begin. Waiting for God to be worshipped. Waiting for a word. Correction: waiting for a werrrrrrrd! [That’s how you say it when you really want God to hear you ;)]

The ambition for each week is for those listening to have a real, more deep, more authentic understanding of who God is and how he wants to move in our lives. For those on the journey, I hope I don’t let you know! Whether the studies are too long, too short, too deep, or too shallow, know I did my best and know God will do the rest.

[I’m so cliche I embarrass myself.]

To the friends and cyber world who came out on Tuesday night or watched online, I’ve got nothing but love for you! I’m honored and blessed to be able to teach God’s word to people who want to have their life changed. And in turn, we go out and CHANGE THE WORLD!

For those who attended or watched, let’s dialogue. What was your take-away from the class? What did you learn? How are you going to change?

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Bianca Olthoff