In Gone With The Wind, the Southern leading lady—Miss Scarlett O’Hara—says a phrase that I just adore, Well, I declare, Mr. Butler! In complete and utter shock, she makes a declaration about his behavior. The way she said it, with her twang, liquid and loose, has stuck with me since 1988 when I first saw the movie.
But to declare something is to have authority over it; to affirm it’s existence. And being the obsessive compulsive, control freak that I am, I just love declarations. By making a declaration, we make manifest our beliefs.
Yesterday, my boss Nick emailed the staff some declarations. It was a long list, but I’ve stripped a few and sharing them with you. There is power in declaring God over our life. It’s odd—being the broken, perforated person I am—to think God wants to unleash His goodness in my life. But He does. I’m declaring to believe it.
In others words [said with a Georgian draw a la Scarlett O’Hara], I do declare, Lord! 😉 Repeat it, write it down, put it on Post-It notes, whatever you want. This is too good to keep to myself, so I’m sharing it with you!
I DECLARE Im going to experience God’s abundance this year. As I trust God and obey His Word, I will see God do amazing things in my life. I believe and declare I will give birth to every promise God put in my heart and I will become everything God created me to be.  This my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE by faith I am child of the Most High God and I know who I am in Christ.  I’m going to walk in God’s power like never before.  I m going to have strength, resolve and determination to overcome every obstacle in front of me. This my declaration. Amen!
I DECLARE that it’s not too late to accomplish everything that God has placed in my heart.  I have not missed my window of opportunity. God has moments of favor in my future.  He is getting me prepared right now because He is about to release a special grace to help me accomplish that dream.  This is my time. This is my moment.  I receive it today! This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE I am grateful for who God is in my life and for what He’s done.  There’s so much I can be thankful for. This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE a legacy of faith over my life.  I declare that I am going to store up blessings for future generations.  My life is marked by excellence and integrity.  Because I’m making right choices and taking steps of faith, others will want to follow me.  God’s abundance is surrounding my life today. This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE God’s dream for my life is coming to pass.  Theres I potential on the inside of me that I have not yet tapped into.  There are seeds of greatness that are going to take root. God is going to make up for time that’s been lost.  He is keeping the records and when its my time He is going to place me in the foreground. This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE Ephesians 3:20 over my life, which says that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think, according to the power that works in me.  As I stay in faith, God will turn every problem into a stepping-stone and take me to a higher level.  Everything I’ve been through up to now is to prepare me for what God is about to do.  Nothing in my life has been wasted.  This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE I am special and extraordinary.  I am above average!  I have been custom made.  I am one of a kind.  Of all the things God created, what He is the most proud of is not that spectacular solar system, not the magnificent sunsets, not even the amazing animals.  The creation that God calls His masterpiece is me.  I am His most prized possession.  He created me in His very own image.  This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE that God is bringing about good seasons of change.  I know that He is stirring things up because He has something better in store.  I’m going to be open to change and let God direct my steps.  I’m believing He’s going to open a new door and take me to a higher level.  This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE Psalm 37:19 over my life, which says that even in famine the righteous will have more than enough. Instead of complaining about the economy, Im going to believe for the best year ever. I’m going to believe God to bring increase in the middle of what looks like a bad situation.  I know I can trust God today because He is a trustworthy God.  This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE faith over fear!  I’m going to use my energy to believe what God says about me.  Fear has no part in my life because I’m trusting in what God promises in His Word.  This is my declaration.  Amen!
I DECLARE that  I’m going to pray bold prayers and expect big and believe big.  I’m going to ask God to bring to pass those hidden dreams that are deep in my heart.  Those promises that don’t look like they’er going to happen I’m going to pray with boldness, expecting God to show Himself strong.  This is my declaration.  Amen!
What do you declare? Say it loud, say it proud!

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