You know those moments when you stand back and say to yourself, This isn’t my life. I don’t know who’s life this is, but it sure ain’t mine. Yes, those moments when crying would take too much energy, so you just have to laugh. That was me on Saturday night, resisting the urge to put into practice the good ol’ “Spare the rod, spoil the child” scripture as a legitimate excuse to beat my children in public.
Here’s the backstory:
On Saturday night after teaching at church, we decided to take the kids to get ice cream. This seemed like a small, but significant way to celebrate what Jesus did at the first of three services. It was a joyous occasion with family coming to visit, friends and coworkers showing up, and of course, a church full of people who wanted to worship.
Buuuuuuuut apparently Parker and Ryen didn’t get the memo that when we are in public WE ACT NORMAL! A simple trip to get ice cream turned into civil disobedience between an 8 year-old and a 10 year-old fighting over who got more ice cream in their cup. This meltdown left me standing five feet away from Matt staring at my family shaking my head in disgust and pretending I didn’t know them. You know, all the normal things people do when children have sobbing fits over ice cream.
We finally made it to a table [read: I found a table far from any civilized human being within earshot] and Matt regrouped our flailing team. Reason #928,471 I love my husband:
- He wants to salvage a moment and have a teaching lesson
- I want to melt through the cracks of the pavement and pretend I don’t know these hellions
While tears and snot trickled into the cups of overflowing ice cream, Matt explained that they each received the same amount of ice cream. It may look different, but it was served equally. “Furthermore,” he explained, “me and B aren’t eating any ice cream so this WHOLE bucket is yours. If you want more, I have more than you could eat. Please stop complaining about what is fair.”
In this moment I was struck with a profound reality. So many times I feel like Ryen, my emotional, needy, and dramatic 8 year-old. She feels like her brother Parker gets more because he’s older, taller, and bigger. But as parents who love them both, we ensure that our decisions are fair. They may look different, but decisions are equal.
Matt asked the kids two questions and in a weird way, it was like God was asking me the same thing:
- Have I ever not given you what you needed?
- When have you asked something of me and I didn’t have enough?
Sometimes God asks us to share–whether its time, money, resources, or attention–and we throw tantrums because it looks like other people have more, get more, or do more. But like Matt asked the kids, I feel like God asks us the same thing: When have you not had enough? I am providing for you and if you use up what I give you, I HAVE THIS WHOLE BUCKET FOR YOU.
We serve a God who is more than enough. So instead of comparing the size of our cups and the ice cream we think we don’t have, can we celebrate what we have and know that there’s more from where that came from.
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream. Don’t worry, He has more than enough.
[If you wanted to catch this past weekend’s service, check out the video.]
Only you could get a profound meaning out of a childs tantrum…………. I can’t help but wonder why.
Won’t watch the video if you don’t mind, but I will tell you you were awesome!
Thanks for watching on Sunday. It meant so much to me to have you join in for London–er, Oxford… uh, wherever you say you’re from!
Bianca Olthoff, DO NOT make me get out the diagram again, cause I’ll do it.
Mel watched the first service too so San Diego was representing too!
Oh man, as my friend says, “That’ll preach!” As soon as I read your husband’s words I could feel the conviction pickle inside. Love this post. Looking forward to checking out your sermon later as I attempt to fold my way out of a giant pile of clean laundry. Blessings to your ministry. May you walk into all the plans He has for you!
ME TOO! Ugh.
Thank you for your love and support. XO
I’m willing! As usual perfect timing and exactly what I needed to hear!
Do people in irvine even know what a pansie even is? Hehe
Thanks for posting, I was bummed to miss it!
I LOVE YOU!!!!! And who knows if they know about pansies… because I’LL LET THEM KNOW!
Beautiful delivery, Bianca! So bummed I missed it church but glad I got to catch it on here! This stay at home mom needed that word today… Thank you, friend!
Girl, you are being used mightly! Had heard you would be preaching at church and was praying for you leading up to it! That’s what I call some preaching with the Holy Ghost out pouring! LOVED IT! Spoke volumes to me and so many others! Then to read this blog and I just love how you are being used and taught! Making it real and sharing it so when can all come together to love, support and understand each other! Keep being bold!
Does the mean I have to stop *prentending* to run out of fruit snacks to give to my whiny 3 yr old? If Matt asked her that question when has your mom not ever had enough, she would reply “uh, every time I ask for more fruit snacks, she never has enough!” Who am I kidding she would just reply “apple juice?”
Today was both one of the worst and best days I have had in a long time. I have whined and complained to the LORD about how everyone else has a job, car, house, husband, season, blah, blah, blah. Today I realized that the LORD is merciful and good and He has always given me enough and more than enough. Furthermore, He has given me the good stuff. Not the nasty ice cream with all the junk in it that won’t melt like it’s supposed to. He has ,and is presently, giving me Gelato :). The best. In His perfect timing. I seriously never thought I would say this because I am such a big brat, but I love His timing. I really do!
Love the energy that comes from you when you teach..
You bless my heart and get me excited about all things JESUS!! Your energy, love and passion for our Lord always always touches my heart!!! I loved this message!!! These are some bad (in good) women in Judges 4! Just call me ” Jael Liz” the Stay At Home Mama!!
Thank you for reminding me that I am more than enough!!! And that as a mom, I have little ones watching me as I lead them.
When you remember me … Pray for me girl!! Sometimes, I do get discouraged, but the Lord always has a way to walk me right into a “Divine Appointment” and boom! I’m refreshed again!!!
Miss you so much!!
La otra Boricua!!