Three years ago I sat at my desk and had a moment. Oh, yooooou know the moment. The moment you begin to question everything in life! Physical manifestations might include banging your head into your keyboard on the desk, repeatedly slapping your forehead with the palm of your hand, or crying uncontrollably. The moment when you’re emotionally on a ledge and the more questions you ask of yourself the closer you are to falling off.

For example,

  • What am I doing with my life?!
  • Why am I here at this job?!
  • Does my life matter?!
  • Why are my thighs so big? [Okay, so maybe not this question, but three out of four at the very least.]

There are factors that push me to play harder [first born, first generation American, first to go to college], but I can safely assume the questioning of calling and purpose and vocation has plagued everyone in different seasons of their life. Questioning is one thing, but moving forward and taking action is another.

Photo by Jasmine*

I’m in a different season of life today, but I’m still asking questions. And yes, having moments. But now I want to ask questions that draw in other people from other stations in life to bring us closer to taking action steps.

I invited a group of women to my house to discuss ministry, life, and calling. I made dinner, lit some candles, and asked questions to begin a dialogue about why people between the ages of 18-35 are missing in the church. Specifically, why are they missing from gender specific events or ministries within church.

I asked if they could describe their view of women’s ministry in one word, what would it be? If there was one word they would want to describe women’s ministry, what would it be?

Wow. I got honest answers. The number one thing I walked away with that every. single. woman. wanted to be in relation with other women, but didn’t know how to 1. ask, 2. make time, or 3. how to make it happen.

I still want to compile data. I want to know your story. Who you are and why you are the way you are. If you are outside of the 18-35, please don’t remain silent. Pour into the next generation with the wisdom you acquired.

  • Are you involved in church? Why or why not?
  • Do you feel like you are living out the gospel?
  • In one word or phrase, how would you describe women’s ministry?
  • In one word or phrase, how would you want to describe women’s ministry?
  • Is your vocation [job or what you do] matched up with your calling [what God wants you to do]?
  • Would you want to be mentored by an older person? If so, what does mentoring look like to you?

Feel free to answer one or all of the questions. Please don’t remain silent. For the love of God, help strengthen the Church. 🙂

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