The din and chatter of singles seeking significant others, waiting for the proverbially One, and kissing dating goodbye is deafening. People talk about singleness like it’s disease, or worse, like it’s a death sentence. Both married and non-married people don’t know what dating, courting, or dourting should look like.

But who’s to blame?

We encourage people to abstain from sexual relationships, but they’re mocked for being like Steve Carell in The 40 Year Old Virgin. We laugh at people who save themselves for marriage, or—as in this case—fear we are going to be the brunt of jokes revolving about chewing each other’s faces off.

What do healthy relationships look like? Who is doing it well?

[Side note: I can’t speak about marriage because, really, I’ve been married for like five minutes. It’s disconcerting to me when newlyweds instruct singles on matters like how to be a good wife or what submission and sacrifice look like after being married for two months. Really? Asking me to give advice on marriage is like asking Biggie Smalls how to diet.]

The kissing virgins were tragically and comically ridiculed [honestly, I died laughing after watching this clip]. However, I was convicted about laughing at an institution I believe in and adhere to. I was the 30 year-old virgin when I met Matt so laughing at this couple while awkwardly eating their faces was an affront to the very principle I held on to.

People would ask about our compatibility and chemistry and worry that I might be doomed to a life of awkward kisses and bad sex. But our view of God is incredibly small if we think we will be punished for making biblical choices, adhering to wisdom, choosing to wait for the intimacy God desires for the one person you spend your life with.

How do we redeem relationships? How do we paint a healthy, whole, and happy picture of what marriage and waiting and abstaining looks like?
If you’re single, what is your biggest concern in dating, waiting, and abstaining? If your married, what advice can you give to those who want a real and healthy picture of marriage?


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