Hi In The Name of Love Blog Readers!

My name is Jasmine Star and I’m Bianca’s better looking, nicer, and funnier twin sister. I’m writing today because she asked me to explain what’s going on in her life right now. But before I get there, I want to talk about miracles. But wait! Before you roll your eyes and suspect I’ll write a novel in Christianese (oh you know…that language spoken by really holy people), know that this is a true story that happened in Bianca’s life. On Sunday morning.

Okay, but before we get to Sunday, let’s rewind to Saturday.

Last Saturday Bianca invited our youngest sister, Zoe, to attend a Mariners ChurchΒ event and together, along with a truly amazing team, made changes in the world…effecting one girl at a time. Later that evening, Bianca invited Zoe to stay the night since Matt was in Seattle for a conference.

The following morning, while Bianca washed dishes before going to church, Zoe saw Bianca fall to the kitchen floor. Zoe ran in from the living room and saw Bianca in a pool of blood from a gash in her wrist…and then she had a seizure. Apparently a piece of broken glass sliced a tendon (sidenote: Bianca will likely use this episode as reason to never wash the dishes again). Zoe called 911 and comforted Bianca during a truly horrific episode. Bianca was admitted to the hospital and scheduled for surgery.

Matt immediately changed his flight and landed in Orange County on Sunday night with enough time to pray with Bianca…as well as patiently listen to her cravings for Mexican food. He was there when she opened her eyes after a successful surgery repairing her tendon and spent Monday by her side with patience, pain medication, and plenty of hugs. He also may or may not have promised to commit his life to loading the dishwasher.

Bianca was sent home yesterday, but she’s on complete bed rest for a month. This is, of course, a tough time for her, but it’s also nothing short of a miracle. We often look back and cite the Crossing of the Red Sea or the Water Into Wine stories as miracles, but we serve a God who ensures our lives are sustained by modern miracles. Daily. We firmly believe Zoe was destined to be at the house on Sunday morning during Bianca’s seizure to help stop the bleeding and call for help. Instead of focusing on what Bianca isn’t able to do today (work, blog, write, type, point at her awesome twin sister), we’re content focusing on what she’ll be able to do in the future. For this, we thank the Lord.

Please pray for Bianca during this time as we hope for full recovery (and use in all her fingers) soon. We’re working on getting guest bloggers lined up for great content, so keep your eyes peeled for great things to come. Speaking of great, if you have book recommendations, Bianca would love to take them so she doesn’t go crazy in bed.

And just because every post is better with a picture, here’s a photo of Bianca and I sporting one of the best looks of our lives…

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