She’s sixteen. She has her whole life to be lived. She has hopes and dream and wishes yet to be discovered. And she has terminal cancer.

Over a year ago I wrote about Gracie, the vibrant teenager who has been a part of my family since the womb. When we found out she was diagnosed with cancer, our church rallied behind her and her family. We prayed, fasted, pleaded, and begged God to heal her. I confidently believed God who can heal all would touch her and heal her and she would be a testimony to his love and grace.

When she was re-diagnosed with more cancerous tumors in new sections of her body, we all felt the weight of the announcement. More chemotherapy, new drugs, many new options. There was hope for a healing. We prayed, fasted, pleaded and begged God to heal her.

When the doctors said they’ve done all they could do, when the treatments failed, and her body writhed in pain, we prayed for a miracle. We prayed for healing. We prayed for hope.

Yesterday I found out the doctors are sending her home to be with family and friends. They’ve done all they can do. There are no more drugs, no new chemotherapy, no more options. It’s done.

Upon hearing the news, I wept bitterly at my desk. The questions flooded into my head and my heart split in two. One hand is raising an angry fist; confused, marred, desperate. One hand is extended open; lifting and praising God for the sixteen years of life he has given us with Gracie.

Two hands doing two things.

The healing we’ve prayed for will come… either here or in heaven. I know Romans 8:28 and I believe all things work out for good. But right now? Right now I’m begging God for a miracle. I’m pleading with him to heal Grace.

I don’t know how to ask this in any other way, but may I implore you to pray for her? She’s my sister’s best friend, secret keeper, and other half. She’s a child who has yet to live life. And until she goes home to be with Jesus, I’m praying that you join me in praying for a miracle. She needs a miracle. We need a miracle.

At the end of it all, I hope I have the confidence of Job when he proclaims, The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away;
Blessed be the name of the LORD
[Job 1:21]. Two hands lifted high I want to proclaim, blessed be the name of the Lord.

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