I’ve never been a pot-smoking hippy. I’ve never dropped acid. In fact, I’ve never even smoked a cigarette. As a self-diagnosed control freak, the thought of being under a mind-altering substance gives me anxiety with an insatiable urge to breathe deep, controlled breaths into a brown paper bag.

But yesterday I tripped out. Like in a 1960s Woodstock Love-In kind of way. I was reading about the mathematical understanding of infinity and felt like Neo when he unplugs from the Matrix. Infinity is simply an endless amount of value or numerical properties; in short, it goes on forever.

I first learned about infinity in Mr. Turner’s Algebra class freshman year of high school. He explained infinity by holding a pointer in one corner of the room and proceeded to pirouette on his left foot again and again and again. He said infinity is a series of numbers that do not stop and go on for-ev-er.

Fifteen years later, I’m grasping the concept. [What can I say? I was home-schooled so I’m a little slow.]

∆∞u = 0

Delta [the triangle] times infinity [∞] times u [anything] = zero. Within zero are infinite possibilities of numerical properties! All numbers [whether positive or negative] come from a foundational meeting place of zero! I’m writing with exclamation points because this is incredible!

Now, let me explain to you my breakthrough yesterday.

The bible tells us God’s love for us is infinite [Romans 1:19-20, Romans 5:8, 1 John 3:16]. Infinite is unending, like me pirouetting around the room again and again and again. However, when we truly understand infinite also includes negative numerical values, that means from even before zero, infinity existed!

Essentially, from before we had any value, God loved us infinitely. Not just our future numbers, but our negative numbers as well. Not just our negative properties but our positive properties too. Before our very existence, GOD LOVED US INFINITELY.

Ok, right about now I feel like the Nutty Professor talking to myself like a crazy person. But listen, we’re all one bad relationship away from owning thirty cats and hoarding!

Please get this, friends. The magnitude of God’s love reaches from the east to the west, from the north to the south, from the depths of the oceans to the heights of heaven [Psalm 36:5, Psalm 108:4, Psalm 57:10] and it never fails or ends [1 Corinthians 13:8, Psalm 136].

Never feel unloved. His love for you is INFINITE! And yes, I’m saying this to you with a pointer in my hand reaching one end of my room while pirouetting around and around and around. You. Are. Loved.

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