I love the diversity of voices that speak truth into the world. As we’ve been discussing relationships and dating this week, I think it’s important to have a different voice speak into this. I asked my friend Jared to write a blog from a pastoral perspective about relationships and what he sees within the next generation.

If you follow him on Twitter or check out his blog, you’ll discover he’s one bright guy. Stay connected with him for more info on really smart stuff!

The Tragedy of Relationships

“Describe for me what it feels like to be a 19-year old single girl in college,” I inquired of my interns.

“Most of the time people think that if you are single you are lonely or maybe something is wrong with you,” they explained. Their response was quite the opposite of the playboy lifestyle most guys assume singleness equates to.

We have a tragic story being written in our culture. It is a story that proclaims singleness is synonymous with loneliness. With movies like Friends With Benefits, Easy A, and Crazy Stupid Love, it is not hard to find the source of our flawed relationship expectations. Hollywood’s depiction of freedom in singleness implies that marriage is actually captivity. How does the bible respond to society’s beliefs?

I recently spoke to some single college-age students about this topic. We spent time looking at 1 Corinthians 7, which I encourage you to read because Paul makes an interesting case not for marriage or singleness, but for undivided devotion to God. Despite what you may believe, the Bible affirms our sexual nature because that is the way we were created. We cannot dismiss our sexual desires as wrong, but they must be put in their proper place. Love cannot exist within the sexual limitations defined by our culture.

My assumption is that most people still desire marriage. But we must learn to be single before we can be married.

Galatians 5 admonishes us to stand firm and experience the freedom that was achieved for us on the cross. The work for us is not to gain freedom, but to war against the constant allure of slavery. As history has proven, a slave cannot choose to no longer be a slave. For those of us struggling with addiction, have found ourselves in a painful relationship, or have built up unrealistic expectations for marriage, find a community that can help you embrace the freedom that is freely available.

The turning point in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians happens in verse 17, “each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has call them.” Single, married, dating, divorced, widowed – you are where God has assigned you and that is a place of freedom, not captivity!

Where are you buying into the lies of our culture regarding love and relationships?
Where have you placed too much pressure or unrealistic expectations on dating?
How are you seeking undivided devotion to God in the place you are now?

I truly believe that who you are as a Jesus-follower matters so much more than your relationship status. Are you willing to explore the possibility that sex, marriage, or relationships are not the point of your life? While those are good things, as followers of Jesus we are called to partner with the constant work of God in the world. And for us that must begin by rewriting the tragic story being written today.


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