Sometimes it’s the sprinkles on a cupcake. Sometimes it’s the perfect sunset on an empty beach. Sometimes it’s the moment right before the basketball hovers above the net as the buzzer beeps. The small things in life matter.

The small things in life remind us that our life is not segmented into blocks like colorful Lego’s, stacked on top of each other. No, life is like a watercolor painting, blending and melding into sections without restraint, making beautiful mistakes with impetuous creativity.

Why? Because the small things in life matter.

I’m not the only one who believes the small things matter. I honestly believe God cares about details. No, seriously He does.

I’m sure we’ve all had moments before work or church where you look into your closet and lament that you have nothing to wear. Last week while packing for the Grove Community retreat, I sighed as I stared at my wardrobe [yes, in one shot I could see it all]. Another trip packing the same clothes with the same shoes in the same suitcase. I didn’t allow myself to grumble or complain, I just let out an audible uhmph hoping God would know that I appreciate my clothing and His many blessings, but can you hook a sister up with some new jewelry or something? Come on, I need to juush up this outfit with something sparkly!

In a world famished with famine, pain, and loss, I don’t expect my every whim to be answered. And the truth of the matter is that I didn’t need any jewelry or clothing to present the gospel of Jesus effectively. But as a representative of Jesus Christ, I want to look presentable as I present the Good News.

Lo and behold, the retreat organizer met with me before our first session to hand me a small gift. The black gift bag was sealed with an ornate green sticker. Open it, she said with excitement. It’ll go great with your outfit! I pulled out a gorgeous necklace and bracelet, weighted with sparkly, shiny things that matched perfect with my outfit. I come to find out that she makes designer jewelry that she sells in over 15 boutiques in California?!

Email me if you want more info on Jody's designs. This iPhone picture does not give her work credit.

We were at a women’s event, so the last thing I wanted to do was prove all the skeptics right by crying with emotion. So I swallowed the lump in my throat and simply said, I love it, I really do!

At the end of the weekend, I pulled Jody aside to personally share with her how she blessed me. Her exact words when she gave it to me were, It’s nothing big. But she needed to know the small things matter. To her, it was handmade jewelry. To me it was God hearing my closet sighs and answering a prayer.

Some people pass that off as coincidence. Au contrar! I look at this situation as God Himself, who parted the red sea, dropped manna from heaven, and causes the earth to spin on it’s axis, took time to hear my prayer.

Why? Because the small things matter.

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