Friends, just when I think I’ve overcome the languid days of homeschool dorkdom, freeing myself from the stereotypes of maladjusted and socially awkward moments, I’m reminded that I will forever be socially awkward—except with boisterous laughter and dramatic hand gestures [because I’m Hispanic, naturally].

I was invited again this year to host Catalyst Backstage and it’s always an honor to interview top leaders from around the globe in the realm of leadership. I was given the list of speakers I was to interview and began doing my homework. As a totally loud, opinionated, passionate extrovert, I was wildly fascinated with Susan Cain whose TED talk gave me insight to world of introverts. Some of dearest friends are introverts, so I was excited to pick her brain about what it’s like to be quiet, linear, awesome an introvert.

But, in true Bianca form, it didn’t quite work out the way I intended. My mental list of questions were lodged in my throat. Literally. Two minutes into our interview, I begin to cough. Then my cough turns into a choke. And my choke turns into a gag reflex. ON STAGE LIVE. Yup, I’m cool.

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So there you have it. My big Oprah debut with Susan Cain is interrupted by a coughing attack. Susan stopped her brilliance to bless me every time I coughed as if I was sneezing until I was coughing so hard I had to walk off the stage. If you listen subtly in the background, you can hear me gagging from a whooping cough on the side of our stage. #Awesome

To do her justice, I’ve attached her brilliant presentation here. To all the introverts in the world, rock on!

For more on Susan or to read her blog, check her out here! Comments, questions, and cough drops will be accepted. 😉

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