We sat on the cement outside of the arena and waited. And waited. And waited. I got to know Amy Barnes because she was as crazy as I was about getting THE PERFECT SEAT for the Living Proof conference. You see, I learned from the last Beth Moore event I attended, you have camp out a week in advance outside of the arena, in the snow, through desert heat, during an earthquake [in heels] to ensure THE PERFECT SEAT.

And that’s what we did. We waited and waited and waited until the doors opened.

No, it wasn’t like stalkers or sycophants, but more like girls who desperately needed to hear something—anything—about what we’re supposed to be doing with our lives. Yes, THE PERFECT SEAT would make all the difference.

We gathered inside along with the 6,500 other women who were there. The excitement permeated the air and more than anything expentancy could be felt. I had traveled with our women’s ministry board for six hours from our church and each of us were expecting something different—but we were expecting.

During worship the arena reverberated with songs sung with a desperation. I can’t explain it other than desperation. Amy, who drove to Clovis from San Diego, turned to me and said, I can’t explain it, but when I come to these conferences, I just KNOW I’m going to get a Word. I’m going to get something! And with that, we sat with our groups and began to settle in for a weekend of promise.

But Amy wasn’t the only one I got to meet in Clovis. Nope, I got to meet Kristin too, a fellow blog reader who stopped me to say hello. I think I nearly shrieked when she introduced herself [obviously I was more excited than she was]. My mom told me that I was crazy for introducing myself, she said over the blaring music. With all due respect to Kristin’s mom, I’m SO glad she came by. I LOVE meeting cyber friends! To document our impromptu meetup, I took a [bad] picture of us 😉

I will say this about the conference: Standing in heels, through the sleet and snow, in the desert heat, for hours on end proved worth it. Amy and I rallied together on the second day to find THE PERFECT SEATS. And perfect they were. Not because they were close to the stage or next to the speakers or near each other, but because we were expectant. And open. And ready.

This week marks a new year of life. Sitting with the woman who gave me life, listening to the woman who breathes life, surrounded by women who desire a full life was the best way to kick off my third year of ministry life. I’m excited about sharing this journey with you. I hope we all find our PERFECT SEAT.

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