Comparison happens whether we admit it or not. Though the vile game of Comparison is not gender-specific, the players are predominantly women. Research shows that 88% of women feel less attractive and more inadequate after reading fashion and lifestyle magazines. One out of five women battle with an eating disorder. Culture barrages society with images of perfection and idealized forms—whether it’s through body image, careers, closets, or cars. The battle over who is prettiest, richest, and skinniest can be left for Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks to duke out!

But what does the Bible say? As believers and followers of Jesus we are called to not compare ourselves amongst ourselves.

Time and time again, we see scripture flip the script on culture. We are urged, prodded, and exhorted to not play the game, but in honesty, can we? On this week’s podcast with Christine Caine, I had to opportunity to discuss this exact topic. Click here or on the podcast icon to tune in!

“We’re not, understand, putting ourselves in a league with those who boast that they’re our superiors. We wouldn’t dare do that. But in all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the point.” –Paul to the Corinthian church

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