6:00am, Thursday, September 15th, 2011

Parker, seven year-old step son: [moving his bed around, tossing pillows] Where is it? Where could it be?!

Me: Parker, what’s going on? Are you okay?

Parker: I lost my seventh tooth this morning and I’m trying to find where the Tooth Fairy left my money! Can you help me find it?

Me: Uh, well—hmmm, let me first make breakfast? Yeah, I, uh, need to make you breakfast!

[Change scene. Matt at the kitchen table, engrossed in his computer.]

Me: Matt, did you leave money under Parker’s pillow from the Tooth Fairy?

Matt: Huh?

Me: Matthew, Parker is destroying his bedroom looking for money from loosing his seventh tooth!

Matt: Oh, I completely forgot to put money there last night! Do you have a dollar?

Me: No, I gave you all my loose bills on Monday! Do you have some change or something?

Matt: I don’t have change… but I have a five dollar bill?

Me: We are not paying FIVE DOLLARS for a tooth! It’s not even one of his front teeth!? I think I have change. [Dumps out wallet to reveal a gum wrapper, half of a Motrin pill, and a whopping .47 cents] Shoot! I don’t have anything.

Matt: Well, he lost a valuable tooth! [Smiles]

Me: I’ll distract him, you hide the money! Go!

[Scene change, Parker in kitchen]

Me: Hey Parks, I’m done with breakfast I can go help you find your tooth!

Parker: But I looked everywhere…

Matt: [from in the bedroom] Yes, but did you look in the window blinds? Sometimes the Tooth Fairy leaves money there…

Me: [a look that said, The window blinds?!]

Parker: I found it! I found the money! Whoa, the tooth fairy gave me FIVE DOLLARS! Hey Ryen, you really need to start loosing your teeth!

Just an average Thursday morning as a step-mom stumbling through parenthood. 🙂


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