The room was cramped and expectant. Faces full of girls who wanted to learn—really learn—that God had a plan for their life. It was my first time serving in youth ministry and I had been dragged there by the new youth pastor who just needed a warm body to make sure students didn’t kill themselves while in Lake Tahoe for our summer camp.

I swore I’d never participate in youth ministry. I held a firm belief that youth group smelled like pickles and underarm odor and I blamed the students. However, in the summer of 2004 I found myself leading a caravan of eight large vans through California and up to Lake Havasu.

The second morning of camp, the youth pastor told me I was going to teach. Whoa, whoa, I didn’t sign up for this! I don’t want to teach!? What would I say, I asked him angrily. He laughed. I scowled. Both of us knew I didn’t have another option.

The girls piled into a wood paneled room with mint green carpet later that afternoon and I cracked open the bible and taught the longest bible study I had ever taught up until that point. Seventeen minutes later, I turned over my last note page and picked up my head. I stared into the eyes of excited young girls who heard every word I said and wanted more.

And that’s when everything changed.

I knew my purpose in that moment as to why I was there. It wasn’t for the students. It wasn’t for the youth pastor. It was for me. I needed to be reminded that there is a generation below me who believes that God is alive, He loves them, He’s purposed them to live now, in this moment, and the words spoken thousands of years ago are still applicable today, Genesis to Revelation.

There are newspaper articles, television reports, and dooms-day prophets who say the Church is dead; religion is fading; people are walking away from their faith. But listen to me—please hear me—they’re liars. They haven’t seen what I’ve seen in the faces of those who young and daring. Yes, young enough to do something and daring enough to carry it through.

There is a revival happening and I’m refusing to believe it’s a movement towards atheism. Everywhere I go, every place that I speak, there is a remnant. A remnant of people who know God is alive, He loves them, He’s purposed them to live now, in this moment, and the words spoken thousands of years ago are still applicable today, Genesis to Revelation.

Yesterday I helped usher in 43,000 students into the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. It was a scene out of a movie documenting a natural disaster or influx of human invading a city. Only it wasn’t a horror movie and there was no chaos to be seen. Lines of excited students flooded into downtown Atlanta from around the world to do one thing:

Worship Jesus

I’ve never seen anything like this. Hoards of students from all parts of the world have drove, flown, and walked to be part of Passion 268. Last night as the event kicked off, the floor reverberated and shook as thousands of people sang and worshipped and learned God is alive, He loves them, He’s purposed them to live now, in this moment, and the words spoken thousands of years ago are still applicable today, Genesis to Revelation.

Joel 2:28-30, “And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth…”

To the skeptics, haters, and nay-sayers who say the Church is dead, remember one thing: they’re liars.

Passion 2012, photo taken from my boss, Christine Caine

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