On Millionaire Matchmaker [don’t judge me], Patti Stanger made a great comment, Divorced men are the best kept secret.Β I laughed at first, but realized me and my matchmaking mate are on to something.

If a divorced man is interested in marrying again, it ensures one thing: been there, done that, willing to do it again.

I began researching this statement and found that it’s true. There is a 64% greater chance a divorced man will remarry. Except this time, they are specific about the type of bride they desire.

The first time around, it’s a chemistry experiment with flasks, beakers, and imbalanced litmus tests. Though I do not advocate or endorse divorce, there are a few cases which grace is extended and God can restore the years that the proverbial locust has eaten.*

Getting married for the first time is ideal and better and lovely and new. But it does come with it’s own set of issues. Marrying someone who has been to the circus before understands what it takes to survive in the freak show. I’ve listed some benefits in case some single women out there are wondering if dating a pre-owned man is the route to take.**

  • He’s been to war [read: divorce] and realized it was not fun. He—here’s the benefit—probably won’t go there again. Win.
  • The likelihood of him understanding children and/or wanting children is higher. And, if you aren’t planning on having children, then it’s taken care of by the woman before you. Win.
  • He’s domesticated which means he knows how to do laundry and cook. Otherwise he would have starved half-naked wondering how to boil water.
  • He’s seen the body of a woman after giving birth. Win.
  • He understands mood swings, chocolate cravings, chick flicks, and the need for make up. Win. Win. Win.

There are of course factors that need to be weighed prior to dating anyone [do they love Jesus, do they have a job, do they brush their teeth]. But sometimes divorced men are viewed as damaged good, sloppy seconds, or losers. With divorce comes emotional baggage from surviving the circus, but if someone is willing to go through the work of healing [counseling, therapy, community], believes in the institution of marriage [again], and is willing to live in a house with you and all your crazy, I’d say go for it.

Any divorcees out there who want to drop some knowledge? Feel free!

This blog was brought to you by Matthew Olthoff Inc., a non-profit company committed to cleaning dishes, doing laundry, and living with emotional human beings who watches horrible reality television.

*If you know Matt’s story, you know why his divorce was given a biblical thumbs up. And hello?! He got ME on the second round. Win.
**This statement has not been evaluated by the Federal Department of Marriage. All opinions are personal.

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