Dear Parker and Ryen,

Yesterday marked a turn in our relationship. The door opened, marking a new week spent at our house, and we both felt comfortable to be in each other’s presence. Life was seamless and effortless and—for a moment—flawless. Parker, you proudly told me you got a 100% on your spelling test and green for citizenship, while kicking off your shoes. Ryen, you gave me kisses and told me about your pre-school drama [I can’t believe Samara said she wasn’t your friend!], while Daddy sat at the table pretending he wasn’t listening.

And in that moment, we were all friends.

Maybe it was the song you both sang for me, or maybe it was the prayer before dinner, or maybe it was the two thumbs up you gave me for my broccoli beef stir-fry dinner, but I felt like I was part of your world. I felt like I was part of your family.

For being children, you both are incredibly intuitive [a trait undeniably inherited from your father]. We all know when I’m trying too hard, and quite honestly—it’s pathetic. Learning to be your friend is something I’m desperately trying to do.

But when I fail to say nice and loving words, you both remind me. When I cook a good meal, you both affirm me. When I’m frustrated and annoyed by your tantrums, you both teach me to love when it’s hard, stop while I can, and care when it’s tough. Whether you realize it or not, you are teaching me to be a better version of me. The way I love you is a direct manifestation of the way Christ loves me; unwarranted, unsolicited, and—at times—undeserved.

But that’s why we need each other. We are committed to making our lives better. God has given you a wonderful mommy who loves you, a daddy who cares and provides for you, and me—a s’mom who wants you to desperately fall in loves with Jesus. You have not two, but three people who want to see you excel in life… because we believe you can.

I want to document our days so when we get on each other’s nerves or forget the banalities of life, we can look back at our chronicled moments and laugh. Or cry. Or hurt. Or smile. Why? Because we’re a family. And that’s what families do.

Your friends and s’mom,

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