Every morning it’s the same thing. I type in my phone number, scan my card, and she smiles brightly, Good morning, Brianna. Have a great workout!

I’ve been going to the same gym for more than a year. I usually workout in the early shift with a maximum of twenty other people. I always say hello and she greets me with the wrong name. Everyday.

I corrected her for awhile, but after countless times of misguided references from Bernice to Beatrice, Brianna has been the one that has stuck. I’ve capitulated and respond to her now with a nod and a smile.Β But that’s not my name.

After months of getting it wrong, I have accepted the names she has called me. I stopped correcting her and started accepting a name that wasn’t my own. I allowed her to name me.

The name given to me by my creators [mom and dad] and Creator [God] has been replaced by the created. But don’t we all do this? Don’t we all accept in one form or another labels and names people have given us?

  • Stupid
  • Fat
  • Dumb
  • Useless
  • Ugly
  • Poor
God’s Word says we have been fashioned in our mother’s womb and He knew us. Before the foundations of the world, He foreknew our existence and chose us. He calls us His creation, His child, His beloved. He names us.
Know that your name is Anointed. Your name is Chosen. Your name is Child Of God. Don’t let others name you.
Tomorrow as I walked out of the double glass doors of the gym, I’m going to sing this song to her after I tell her Brianna is not my name. πŸ˜‰

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