It’s been twenty years. Everything felt fine. It wasn’t until my dentist requested an x-ray that things got complicated.

Tap, tap. Poke. Scrape. 

But twenty years unraveled in nothing more than twenty minutes of sitting in his automatic chair. Bianca, though you may feel fine, I have a feeling something isn’t right just beneath the surface. I think we need to remove your old fillings to make sure we’re still healthy.

First, I loathe when doctors say we. It’s just a nice way of trying to empathize or accept culpability so you don’t feel guilty.

Secondly, he was right.

More tapping. More poking. More scraping. He removed a filling I had since I was 11 years old. Twenty years after my old dentist poured silver amalgam in my mouth, I was encouraged to make sure I was still healthy and healed.

I knew he was right, but I was afraid of what my dentist would uncover. Would there be decay or broken fractures? Or would everything be healthy and whole?

Bianca, we have a problem, my dentist said as if he was part of my jaw. You and your teeth have changed in the last twenty years. The silver filling was a temporary solution, but we’ve discovered that when not treated correctly, decay creeps in and potentially can destroy your entire tooth. Thankfully, we caught this in time but there is erosion and a fracture just beneath the surface. 

After signing off on my life savings account and vowing to harvest my eggs to pay for my dental work, I sat in the plastic covered and thought about our hearts. Pain, decay, and sickness aren’t only physical.

The Bible teaches that Jesus came to heal our wounds, to bind up and heal our broken hearts, and to give us beauty instead of ashes and the oil of joy instead of mourning [Isaiah 61:1-3].

Many Christians read this scripture and know that God wants to heal us from physical and spiritual sickness, but there’s more to it than that. The truth is that our emotions are part of our makeup and they can become sick like any other part of us.

The world today is full of people who are suffering from emotional pain. The cause is often abuse, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, disappointment, judgment, criticism or other negative behavior by others. This emotional pain can be more devastating than physical pain because people feel that they have to hide it and pretend it isn’t real.

Tap, tap. Poke. Scrape. The moment we remove the fillings of our hearts is when we discover if we’re healthy. Or not. Maybe it’s been twenty years. Maybe it’s been five. You won’t know if there is decay or fractures unless you do some excavation. It’s costly. It’s slightly painful. And it’s scary. But it leads to health and a better smile. 😉

If you have an emotional wound in your life, you need to know that Jesus wants to heal you. Don’t make the mistake of thinking He is interested only in your spiritual and physical life. Or worse, pretending everything is fine because it’s neatly covered. Take your previous and current wounds to Him. Jesus wants to heal you everywhere you hurt and make sure old wounds are fully healed!

This blog was brought to you by my dentist. You know, just to make sure we’re healthy. 😉

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