I’m flying to Minnesota today to speak at Sanctuary Covenant church in Minneapolis. This is an exciting honor and simultaneously nerve-racking. Speaking at a new church is scary. But speaking at a new church WITH YOUR IN-LAWS IN THE AUDIENCE is petrifying.

I tried explaining this to Matt, but he doesn’t get it. Bianca, they’ll love you. Just do what you do and it’ll be great, says the man who NAILED preaching in front of his in-laws. [Still to this day my mother gushes about how simply he explained Moses’ exhortation to the Israelites in Deuteronomy. Tough act to follow!]

Last night I had a dream that I was on the church stage and I began burping like a Texan man after several hours at the local watering hole. Like the kind of burps that drunken college guys high-five each other for. I couldn’t control it and my mother-in-law watched me in horror as I tried talking.

Needless to say, I woke up scared… with a horrible taste in my mouth.

Internet, I can share this with you because I know you care. Or at least will laugh at my expense. In all fairness, it could be worse. Like this slip up by a youth pastor in church.

Keep me in prayer tomorrow! There’s a first time for everything, including speaking in front of your in-laws. Do you have any in-laws stories? Am I the only one concerned with impressing them?

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