Sometimes doing what God calls us to do is overwhelming. Whether it’s going to college, changing baby diapers, remaining in law school, or standing behind a pulpit, there are moments when we ask ourselves, Am I really made for this?

My knees knocked from nerves as I stood backstage and offered up prayers in rapid fire succession. There is something overwhelming about standing up to declare God’s awesomeness in front of tens, hundreds, or thousands of faces. The question is often posed, Why do you still get nervous? Nervousness is a small reminder that without God’s presence in my life, I cannot do what He’s called me to do.

And nervous I was as I walked onto stage with my iPad and prayer. I heard my voice echo in the auditorium, the lights shining down, and realized I couldn’t read my illuminated notes. I couldn’t see the words. My bullet-points, my highlights, my color coded notes were washed out in the lighting. In an internal moment of sheer panic, I defaulted to my natural defense: humor.

During that time, I held onto two things:

  1. God’s promises over my life
  2. The power of knowing I was covered in prayer
It took me a few minutes to find peace in the rhythm of the evening, but once I found my barings, my sea legs settled. I was able to laugh and share and teach and tell stories in the only way I knew how… vulnerably. But vulnerability is scary and opens deep insecurities.
I can’t finish law school.
I’m not cut out to be a parent.
If I ask her out, she’ll say no.
There’s no way I’m qualified to do this.
The voices in my head immediately barraged my mind the moment I walked off stage. Self loathing, self doubt, self aggrandizement, and every other self centered emotion overwhelmed me. Am I really made for this?
I called Matt from my hotel room and explained what I was feeling. After patiently listening to my woes, he paused, then asked if he could be honest. [Which basically means he’s about to drop a WORD!] Ever so patiently, he reminded me that God could make rocks cry out, God can use a donkey, God can use children, but God chose me to be His vessel. And if God chose ME, then I need to stop feeling like less of a person. I needed to trust that since salvation was received, lives were changed, and His will was done… with or without me seeing my notes.

Bianca, you never marketed yourself. You never asked to be invited. You were simply doing what God has called you to and He used you. Trust that. Remember, there is nothing you need to do for God to use you except to be you. It’s better to be marked by God, than marketed by man,ย he said quoting the words of my boss.

Today I’m not on stage. I’m sitting behind a desk and sending 34,928 emails, eating my lunch of leftovers, andย doing what God has called me to while remembering two things that I’m thankful for:

  1. God’s promises over my life
  2. The power of knowing I’m covered in prayer

If you’re feeling overwhelmed today by doing the big or small things of life, the seemingly pointless or incredibly critical, know that there are promises over your life to declare! You are marked by God, there is a work to be done, you are called and equipped, your are loved and anointed, you are promised an inheritance and as a Child of God, who can be against the will He has for you? The reciprocity of our relationship is that I get to pray for you. You’ve had my back and now I get to have yours.

In the words of my brilliant husband, just be you and trust that God has, is, and will do a work through your life.

Forever grateful,

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