It’s Matt’s sarcastic way of letting me his annoyed with one of my many neurosis. Eh, he’ll get used to it! 😉
I’m sicker than a dog and can’t string sentences together well, so please humor me and share your own quirks that others find annoying or oddly charming. I’ll be the first to comment because I have a list. Yes, a list.
- I’ve never had a dishwasher, so now that I do, I don’t know how to use it. So I don’t.
- I clean bathrooms on my knees with bleach, a toothbrush, and a set of gloves. Nothing says clean like Clorox.
- I can’t use the same shampoo or condition more than once or twice a week. My hair hates it. It told me so.
- I refuse to use electronic bibles at church. I’m old school. And religious.
- I don’t care which way toilet paper is hung. Apparently hanging it over is the way the Toilet Paper Police expect it. Who knew?
- I expect the world to stop on it’s axis and revolve around me when I’m sick. [Don’t worry, that last one was for Matt so he’ll coddle me and let me have my way today.]
Cough, cough, sneeze, and achooooo,
God Bless you Bianca, will be praying for you today. Don't worry Matt will eventually get it! It is all about PATIENCE:)
I hope you start feeling better soon!
– I get very upset when the shower curtain isn't closed when not in use (Heck, and when in use!)
– I sleep with a slim cotton pillow under my head and a big feather pillow over. The hubs doesn't like this.
– I refuse to buy the "convenient" size of ANYTHING. If I can save a penny per ounce on ten pounds of ketchup, you bet I will.
– I have to be in bed at 10:30, asleep by 11. Any later and I'm worthless.
Hahaha my mom always buys the Ketchup twin pack at Costco. We buy ketchup every decade or so!
I don't like my feet under the blankets at night!
If I don't go for my walk by 10:00am I won't go.
All the chairs at my kitchen table must be pushed in or it drives me nuts!!
So… did you make your walk? I prayed for you 🙂
I'm a firm believer that toilet tissue is supposed to hang OVER, so that in the middle of the night, one isn't fishing blindly for the end of the roll.
My husband is quite neurotic about having the lid to the toilet CLOSED… go figure. I think he is the only male on the planet with this problem. We've adapted. Actually, I'VE done more of the adapting than he has, but hey, someone has to be willing to be willing, right?
My pastor's wife who helped with our marriage counseling told us that the word "wife" comes from the root word of (I forget the language) "to adapt". Cool huh!? I feel like I've done a TON of adapting since married!
MY HUSBAND IS NEUROTIC ABOUT THE SAME THING!!!! They must have grown up in the same town or something. So weird!
Feel better 🙁 I'm home sick today too. I have a lot of quirks….
– I bought new dishwasher liquid that I hate but I'm so hung up on waste not want not that I keep using it and hope it's the last time to find my dishes still only half clean.
– Toilet paper does have to be "over"
– I have rules about how certain foods should be eaten, for example hot dogs must be end for end to finish in the middle
Oh the list could go on for ever!! LOL
Sorry you are sick…glad you are resting…still hoping you'll be on our call today 🙂
toilet paper definitely goes OVER. that's a non-negotiable.
hope the not-so-subtle hint to matt worked. you need some coddling so you can get better fast. love you, B!
Alece, apparently I'm in the minority. 85% of people prefer toilet paper to be hung OVER. Weirdos.
I'll be a minority with you Bianca!! *high fives* for under! haha
Hoping you heal quickly
Bel (from Aus) xx
A few of your "quirks" I share with you… the shampoo and conditioner one. Yep, my hair has told me that before too! 🙂
And the cleaning the bathroom with a tooth brush and clorox… only way to go!
~ I line up my shoes by color and style
~ Toilet paper is always over… never under
~ I make my bed every morning, right after I get out of it
~ I am always early, hate being late
I think the quirk my husband dislikes most (or one of the "mosts):
-when I make a sandwich or use a knife, I leave it on the spoon holder on the stove top until next time. I firmly believe in conserving the usage of utensils so I don't have to wash so many!
-When I need a Word (of encouragement), I'll ask him why he married me. 🙂
hope u feel better…ummm..
don't care which way the toilet paper hangs…my husband does ugghh….i do care that the toilet seat is down always! ( i live with 4 boys)
i am actually the really laxed one in the marriage…my husband is anal about lots of things and that can drive this woman mad:)
everyone must say i love you and good night before bed no matter how rough the day has been or how mad you are at each other.
i didnt know there was a proper way to put the toilet paper 🙂
Everything has it's place in my home but Especially in my refrigerator. My children are trained to put the ketchup back on the left side, Upper shelf of the refrigerator door dressing on the bottom right and so on. I take this very serious=-)
I hate my dishwasher to be loaded haphazardly!
I don't like anyone to put the dishes away for fear that they will put something where I can't find it…crisis….hahaha
Those are the few that I still hold dear. Homeschooling 3 children has been God's psychotherapy for my OCD! Talk about learning to let go….ugghhh.=-)
Praying you are well soon.
I have to sit in the same seat for every class in a specific room. Usually, that means front row, left side. All my classes this year are in two rooms, and if someone sits in "my" seat, look out… Oddly enough, pretty much all of the people in my classes are like that. I guess we're creatures of habit.
-I have to always have the shower curtian closed cuzz when its open it drives me crazy! my hubby doesnt even realize we have a curtain.
– I have my sons toys organized in his bins by brands such as legos,cars, music stuff, blocks etc. All of them mixed gives me a panic attack! He is 2 and doesnt get it? why is it to much to ask at 2?
– No matter how many times I try to oranize my sons and hubbys bookshelves by size and order, I think they secretly have a deal by moving things around to drive me crazy!
– And it drives me crazy that everywhere I go I have anxiety if I dont get there at least 20 to 30 mins early or I feel late! My hubby grew up being 30 mins late to everything!
Oh pray for me! hahah
hope u feel better!
I use to be severely OCD, shoes lined up in my closet, cologne bottles arranged be height, clothes by color in the closet.
Then I married my wife.
I could always find her by the trail of clothes, cereal bowls, purse etc she dropped along the way. I finally had to learn to just notch down my incessant need for orderliness. 6 kids help with that as well.
That being said, TP must go over the top!!
Girl I let out a huge shriek when I read you clean the bathroom on your hands and knees with a toothbrush! ME TOO!!!!
So excited to write these:
1. I too clean the bathroom with a toothbrush DAILY!
2. I don’t share shampoo or conditioner. Just ask Gabe 🙂
3. I have to vaccuum at least 4 times a day
4. Dining table and chairs have to align the tile on the floor, otherwise I’m cracky!
5. My pantry is in perfect order and must face a certain way.
6. I clean the ceiling and walls every other day.
7. I don’t use a mop, I do it the old fashion way, hands and knees with a scrubbler, pail and clean rag.
8. My clothes are color coated in the closet.
9. I keep my toothbrush in my room, NOTHING that goes in my mouth belongs in the bathroom.
10. I don’t want a dishwasher. That’s what gabriel is for. hahaha
11. I’m obsessive about having clean ears.
12. I don’t like ANYBODY touching my pens and pencils. It drives me crazy
13. If I forget my pencil and pad for church then I get all moody
I can go on and on and on.. but you want to know God’s sense of humor???
Lord have mercy!!!
Oh. My. Word.
You are CRAZY!!! And I love it 🙂
Biggest peeve of mine I hate when the toilet paper is out and no one can seem to replace the rim and I to top it off they have used a new roll and left it sitting on top of the vanity gggrrrrrr why not change it or replace it while you’re sitting there? He he
1. Toilet paper goes over!
2. Had to learn how to shut cabinents after I use them.
3. Dishes need to be placed in the sink when they are dirty, but my husband insists on taking up space on the counters with his dirty dishes. I guess I could clean them sooner, but that's not happening.
4. My husband has to sleep with the covers completely lined up correctly on the bed. The room completely dark. We have black out curtains and black electrical tape over anything that could possible show light. He also has to have the room quiet (no TV) and cold.
Lol. Amen to the Clorox smell, and the toilet paper. I had not idea there was a rule for that until my husband and I got married. As far as the dishwasher, it is storage for extra grocery bags and glasses that won't fit in our cabinets. (Small apartment living.) Hope you feel better and that lots of coddling gets done 😉
you are so funny- even when you are sick. Feel better soon!
– I also don't use the dishwasher, even though we have it.
– I don't like gadgets in general. My personal cell phone is extremely old and cheap Nokia bar-phone.
– when I send text messages, I don't abbreviate. (I am 28 🙂
– I can't stand air conditioners and like it WARM in the house, so 75-80 year-round make me happy…
– I don't wear antiperspirant – in my mind they have a "toxic" sign on them.
-I take long showers even when I rush – 15 min minimum.
– I don't like to blow-dry my hair.
– I can’t stand when someone chews the gum loudly. I mean – I boil inside when I hear it.
– I am late often.
– I love boxes. Any kind of sturdy boxes.
– I can't stand spiders. They are after me. They find me everywhere and I almost see their grin and hear their "boo".
I read a study that antiperspirant may lead to breast cancer because it is rolled onto the underarm glands that are so close to the boobs. The glands are supposed to sweat to cool us off and antiperspirant keeps our body from doing what it was created to do. Toxins? Maybe.
Hahahahahaha! You said boobies!
Haha!!! That made me giggle. The word boobies always cracks me up. I'm still a teenager though(19):D so I suppose it's alright (kinda) for me to giggle at that.
-I always always always wipe down the sink with my paper towel, regardless of whose bathroom I am in.
-Toilet paper is meant to go OVER not under.
-I prefer to watch TV with the closed caption on.
-Much to my sister's dismay, I don't mind watching commercials and refuse to channel surf. My brain can only handle so much media.
-Every time I do a load of laundry, it takes me until the next time I wash laundry to fold and put away the FIRST load.
-I have a stick of Chap Stick in every purse I own.
-I also refuse to abbr. when sending text messages and do my hardest to refrain from "verbifying" nouns. IE "I googled…" or "Just youtube it." Is it THAT hard to say "I looked it up on Google?!"
-I will stop what I'm doing and explain the differences between "your" and "you're" or "there" "their" and "they're" to anyone that didn't pay attention in grammar school.
My charming thing to do is to put away folded towels with only the one fold showing. My husband and children know it annoys me when they are placed in the linen closet with all the extra sides showing. The shame of it all is that I'm that way with the towels and other linens, but my desk is total chaos. I don't understand it myself.
hilarious! glad i'm not the only lame one that doesn't know how to use a dishwasher…didnt have one when i was growing up, but have had one in all my homes…i STILL have never used it BECAUSE i dont know how. i prefer for it to act as my dish rack.
Feel better soon! i loved and laughed at your dishwasher statement!
– toilet paper goes OVER , and if it's not i will change it… even at someone's house other than my own.
– my clothes are all organized by color; in every drawer, in the closet and in the baskets that contain my layering tanks.
– i hate when people text and abbreviate! it's You're NOT ur.
– i have a different toothbrush for the morning than the rest of the time.
– i love lists and sticky notes and lists made from mini-sticky notes stuck together.
– who doesn't have multiple kinds/types of shampoo & conditioners in the shower at once!?!?
Oh my!!! I am not married but I do have a brother who (I believe) was created to test my patience.
Here are my top five.
1. He ALWAYS leaves his toothbrush hanging off the side of the sink… dripping with water. drives me nuts to have a wet sink.
2. Shower curtain must be closed. So glad to hear I'm not alone.
3. I love to scrub things. I must confess, my mouth waters when I think of scrubbing the tub. lol I'm crazy.
4. A bathroom isn't clean unless clorox is involved.
4. I "steal" my brothers white undershirts to mop. hehe trust me, he doesn't notice.
5. I have to wash my hair every Wednesday.
Get well soon!!!! xoxoxo
I hate cup sweat from cold drinks
I can’t sleep with a pillow under my head
Everything in my room has to be put away before I can get any work done
I have to fall asleep on my right side
I can’t have the windows down in my car when I drive
I Can’t listen to loud music in my car
My bed has to be made first thing when I wake up
My door has to either b all the way open or all the way closed
I always have to have on chapstick or lip gloss
And I can’t stand to have people sit on my bed( idk why, I think my husband is the only one who will have that honnor some day)
I hope you feel better! 🙂 Haha I think that toilet paper goes under simply because it doesn't use so much. 😉 Love you Bianca!!
Wow, I'm so glad you warned me about the toilet paper police!!! I'm a stickler for the bed being made but there can be dirty clothes on the floor… and I don't mind loading the dishwasher but come hell or high water I am NOT going to empty it!
Hope you are feeling better today!
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