I may not have a degree in Theology nor a Master’s in Divinity, but serving God’s people has taken me through the School of Hard Knocks, struggling to obtain a degree in Ministerial Endurance with a minor in Failure.

The blessed-curse of the School of the Hard Knocks is that you never graduate. You keep on keepin’ on. And that, my friends, is the beauty of ministry.

The gift of giving, the blessings of being a blessing, the honor of honoring far outweighs any of the difficulty in learning in the halls of ministry.

The new year begins tomorrow with fresh perspectives and new opportunities. As leaders in home, work, church, or community, we can use this time to recalibrate our hearts and minds before entering into the new year. In searching and seeking for our purpose in life, may we tether our dreams to the responsibility of serving others in the form of ministry–inside or outside the church.

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