I’m not sure scandalous is a term theologians would use to describe a book of the bible, but I’m not a theologian so it doesn’t matter 🙂
But truth be told, it’s the only word which I can aptly describe as the message of the book of James. My good friends at Merriam-Webster define scandalous as offensive to propriety or morality. That’s exactly was James does.
If we say we are Christians and live by faith, shouldn’t our lives reflect that? James discusses this. What good is it to tell our brethren to be warm and filled, yet do nothing to help the situation? James discusses this. Do you know there is life or death, blessing and curses in the tongue? James discusses this. Have you ever been a victim of favoritism in the church? James discusses this.
James takes Christian morality and challenges the Church to look internally to see how the issue can be resolved. Essentially, it’s my favorite phrase as the moment: Don’t just go to church. BE the church.
St. Francis of Assisi said it best: Preach the gospel always. When necessary, use words.
I’ll be teaching a six-week series through the book James starting Tuesday, July 6th and continuing through Tuesday, August 10th. The journey will challenge us to look at our Christianity differently and discuss topics bubbling silently in the Church. I’m so excited to walk through this book with women from southern California and invite you to join in the journey towards life change!
If you’re not in the SoCal area but would like to join in, we’ll be webcasting each week into homes, coffee houses, and yes, even other churches. Join the movement as we change the church—by starting with ourselves.
Would you help with my research by answering the following questions? Feel free to answer anonymously 🙂
- Have you ever felt unwelcomed or marginalized at a church because of a financial disparity? If so, please explain.
- Have you ever gossiped about someone at church? If so, when was the last time this occurred?
- When was the last time you gave money or resources to a church member in need?
- When was the last time someone from church called you out on a personal sin in your life? (EG: a mentor, friend, accountability partner, etc.)
- If there was one thing about your church you would want to change, what would it be?
Hey Bianca, man ur such a wise woman! the last question, If there is anything i can change about my church…I would want the congregation to be able to move forward as one body of Christ and not let the past hurt anyone anymore.
Hey Bianca!! ooohhh I am inspired to really study the book of James with you! I love what you say, "BE the church!!!" Love love love this!! I always say, "We are the body of Christ, but we all can't be butts !" 🙂
As for your questions… Yes, I have gossiped about someone at church…that happened many months ago. I was frustrated. Although I kept it in my head, there were certain people, that if I hung around with them… ugly AND unneccessary stuff would come out of my mouth. They helped fuel the fire…I hate the fact that I did this… that was never my intention to talk bad about people in the church. So I have been learning since to stay around positive uplifting people and to also be that kind of person. Even if I am offended or upset with someone… I go to that person directly!! Never to someone else, only God!! Hope that helps you 🙂
Also, just a couple weeks ago a mentor in my life called out things in my life. I came to church flustered and crying that morning… she looked me in the eye, knew exactly what was going on… and she gave me a much needed healthy and freeing rebuke… all in love!! I am thankful for these kinds of people in my life, I can't get enough of them!
Happy Monday to you!
– I can't say I have felt unwelcome, mine is actually the alternative… I felt more included because we were more financially stable than many other people in the church. Suddenly, we became the go-to guys for church decisions, when we were not even part of the church ruling committee.
– I have gossiped about someone at an old church. TBH, I didn't feel bad about it then. I do now. But I have left that church.
– I don't record each time I give somebody something but I do reach out to church people in need. Either by offering to help them in kind or through donations.
– My Pastor, this year. I missed church for two sundays and he talked to me to figure out what was going on. I was agitated at first but I'm much better now.
– I love everything at my church. I wish the sermon was more coherent and stimulating. Something that challenges one in certain ways. Perhaps, it's just myself that feels that way.
Love it! cant wait to hear about it! We did James with our teens and it was AWESOME!
I've never felt unwelcome at a church because of a financial disparity. I have gossiped about someone at church sadly probably over 6 months ago-God and I have been "working" on improving my tongue.
THe last time we gave money to someone at our church in need was about a year ago. My husband and I felt led to give a couple who had just adopted twin girls some extra income that we had earned unexpectedly. We were doing fine and we knew they needed it more for setting up home for the girls.
I was last strongly called out on a sin when I was getting to know my husband and we hadn't decided to date yet or not. My roommate told me that he was no longer welcome in our dorm room! But it got the ball rolling for us to start the relationship officially and I knew she really was looking out for my best interest to protect me.
If I could change one thing about our church, I would have them be a little more organized but I know there are a lot of things to juggle in ministry and love being under the church's authority because they are vigorously following the Lord!
1) No
2) Yes- more recently than I'd like to admit
3) Honestly, I'm not sure
4) about a month ago
5) ME!
The husband and I make it a point to pay for dinners, coffee, concert tickets etc when we know that our buddies can't afford it or it would bless them to not have to pay. We send gift cards and checks to friends and families in need around us. I would say this is at least once a month for us.
Here's one answer to two questions: Last week a friend cautioned me to watch my tongue because I was complaining about someone/something.
Excited to see what God's going to do this summer!! :o)
i've felt marginalized by a pastor at church, not because of anything financial but because of sin i had committed. i felt judged and got treated with a "cold shoulder"…needless to say i was not disappointed when that pastor left to church plant. and because i currently have an accountability partner i get called out on personal sin in my life on almost a weekly basis :). and last weekend the church as a whole got called out for being stingy with God's money. looking forward to this series…and i might be able to come to one in person!! 🙂
oooooh! this is gonna be good!
I can't wait!!! So excited…James is MY Bible Boyfriend! 😉
girl. it's hard being a "scandalous" church girl 😉 LOL
1. yes.
2. yes i've gossiped. yes i've been gossiped about. the latter one just happened .
3. my friends at church…we give to each other & those in need ALL the time. food, cars, homes, clothes, a shoulder to cry on, prayer, babysitting for free. my church is a generous church.
4. we challenge each other in smallgroup to do that as much as we can. my inner circle of friends challenge me to not speak anything negative over my life.
5. to allow more women to preach in the pulpit instead of just a women's meeting. =]
Yes, but not because of financial disparity.
I shamefully must say yes. Can't remember last time but I know that I have. 🙁
3 days ago.
A couple of weeks ago. (but the friend was not from the current church I attend)
* Have you ever felt unwelcomed or marginalized at a church because of a financial disparity? If so, please explain.
Oh yes. Many times. The pastor's small group would contain the rich people, the influential people, the "popular" people. The next tier down would be the folks not quite popular enough or rich enough but someone they wanted to keep in the hopper in case one of the elites were to have a down year or lose their business. The poor people…those of us who barely made it…were usually relegated to groups of our own and left to fend for ourselves.
* Have you ever gossiped about someone at church? If so, when was the last time this occurred?
Oh yeah. I've done it. We're all human, eh. 🙂 I did it a week ago Sunday.
* When was the last time you gave money or resources to a church member in need?
Does it have to be limited to a church member? I do it all the time but don't care about church status. If someone needs help, they need help.
* When was the last time someone from church called you out on a personal sin in your life? (EG: a mentor, friend, accountability partner, etc.)
Not counting my wife…without me arranging a meeting with someone to talk about an issue…probably two years.
* If there was one thing about your church you would want to change, what would it be?
A way for people who feel led to write or speak the word to develop their abilities. Right now most churches are set up for pastors only to do it. Even small group leadership really doesn't fit the bill because you're facilitating discussion and not speaking to groups. If you feel you have a gift to speak and write like a pastor but don't feel called to be a "pastor" you have no real place to develop that gift in most churches.
Hello Bianca! I am so glad that you are doing a study on the book of James!
Here are answers to the questions you raised.
Have you ever felt unwelcomed or marginalized at a church because of a financial disparity? If so, please explain. – No, I haven't.
Have you ever gossiped about someone at church? If so, when was the last time this occurred? – I personally claim to despise gossip but I experienced having a small group leader who initiated one at a gathering and found myself listening in with fascination. That's makes me just as guilty.
When was the last time you gave money or resources to a church member in need? About 3 weeks ago.
When was the last time someone from church called you out on a personal sin in your life? (EG: a mentor, friend, accountability partner, etc.) – This morning 🙂
If there was one thing about your church you would want to change, what would it be? – There is lack (and a desperate need) for a women's ministry. There isn't one right now and I haven't seen any plans to have one.
OOOH! I'm so excited! Will the webcasts be available after the live session occurs?? I just want to make sure I'll be able to engage even if the time doesn't work for me. Love you, my BB!
I have the same question about webcasts. 🙂
AND… I'm EQUALLY excited about this…
AND… James is MY FAVORITE! Can not wait!
Hi girlies!
I'll be posting links to the live webcast each Tuesday. If however, you can't catch the live teaching, you can podcast the suckers on iTunes (I'll provide a link too).
you rawk!!
1) Have you ever felt unwelcomed or marginalized at a church because of a financial disparity? If so, please explain.
– No. Neither did I notice anyone being treated that way.
2)Have you ever gossiped about someone at church? If so, when was the last time this occurred?
– Yes. The worse part is that I have a difficult time recognizing gossip.
3)When was the last time you gave money or resources to a church member in need?
– Two days ago
4)When was the last time someone from church called you out on a personal sin in your life? (EG: a mentor, friend, accountability partner, etc.)
– A week ago. In a loving, humble way, totally based on the authority of God's word.
5)If there was one thing about your church you would want to change, what would it be?
– I am thankful for the church I have and wouldn't change anything. Honestly. So far.
I love the term : "the church has left the building"
1.Have you ever felt unwelcomed or marginalized at a church because of a financial disparity? If so, please explain.
I have, at one church, but it has dissipated. Thankfully.
2. Have you ever gossiped about someone at church? If so, when was the last time this occurred?
Ok, honestly, probably about a month ago. I have to attend a different church, and call it my home church now because of work, and I don't really talk to anyone there. But when I knew more people and socialized, I was careful as to who to tell, but I still did it.
3. When was the last time you gave money or resources to a church member in need? Not necessarily to a church member from MY church, but from GOD's, on Friday. Bought a guy a snickers, water, and $5 dolla. Holla.
4. When was the last time someone from church called you out on a personal sin in your life? (EG: a mentor, friend, accountability partner, etc.). It's been a while and it's something I actually long for. I think it comes with wanting attention too.
5. If there was one thing about your church you would want to change, what would it be?
Putting judgement and resentment in the garbage disposal so it can get destroyed and we'll never want to bring it back around.
A friend from church was going through a financial hardship, her business was just getting started and her husband was without work. She had just gotten evicted from her apartment and also had all her stuff tossed in the garbage. It was around Christmas time and they both serve in several ministries, so I prayed with both of them and told them that I really think they needed to relax and remember that God would see them through it. I told them I wanted them to be at the Christmas ministry party because they deserved to be with the people they loved, enjoy a nice dinner, dance and laugh because their problems would be there when they got home anyway. I wrote them a check for their tickets and told them that if they wanted to spend the money some other way, it was completely up to them but that I really wanted them there.
They bought the tickets.
In the time it took me to pray with them, give them their check, and serve in junior high, I didn't have time to buy my OWN ticket. But a friend told me that another person who already had a ticket wasn't going because of an illness so I showed up and wanted to buy off that unused ticket. My friend told me that the owner of the ticket said "I want this to bless someone, so don't take any money for the ticket." God is so good.
At the party, there was a raffle for various prizes. I won a gift card. The same price of that second ticket. God is SO GOOD. By blessing someone else, God totally said "Thanks for looking out for my own, now I'm looking out for you." I still tear up when I tell this story. I have never seen the hand of God move so quickly and be so prevalent in my life.
God is SO good.
1. No.
2. Yes. I used to be SUPER careful about this and then got waaay too comfy reporting my frustrations with people to a close friend. About 8 months ago we went back to sharing our frustrations with out names.
3. A few weeks ago.
4. I tend to hang out with people who have similar giftings and personalities. With that said, I am exhorted/rebuked/corrected on an almost daily basis! Sad to say…it's usually about my mouth:-( I still haven't mastered keeping some of my thoughts in my own head!
5. The only thing I would change is that my church can be very compartmentalized (as I think too many churches today are). There is the youth group, the singles in their 20's group, the singles in their 30's group, the "womens" group (which most of the single women don't attend because they identify with their age group more) and so on… I know there is a place for that and I love the group thing too, I just feel like the younger generations loose out on interacting with adults the older people miss out on opportunities to mentor in a natural setting and on and on. I will keep praying=-) Looking forward to watching on Tuesday. Praying for you!
So looking forward to your summer series…I loved last years – used to watch them on the morning bus commute! So glad I can download them as I'm not sure I'll be able to watch them live. Praying for you as you prepare for this and for all your wedding plans and trip to Africa too! Busy summer for you 🙂
1) Have you ever felt unwelcomed or marginalized at a church because of a financial disparity? If so, please explain.
– No. Neither did I notice anyone being treated that way.
2)Have you ever gossiped about someone at church? If so, when was the last time this occurred?
– Yes. The worse part is that I have a difficult time recognizing gossip.
3)When was the last time you gave money or resources to a church member in need?
– Two days ago
4)When was the last time someone from church called you out on a personal sin in your life? (EG: a mentor, friend, accountability partner, etc.)
– A week ago. In a loving, humble way, totally based on the authority of God’s word.
5)If there was one thing about your church you would want to change, what would it be?
– I am thankful for the church I have and wouldn’t change anything. Honestly. So far.
where is your Tuesday summer series?
In the beginning of the sermon you talk discrimination. You say that we need to treat everyone fairly according to James. Then you say that you treat everyone fair. But, what if a person thinks that he/she is treating everyone fair but the people around him/her do not feel the same way.
I recently supervised many people. There were people that got to know me and I worked with closely and there were other people that I did not need to interact with as often. Those people that didn't know me were hard to reach. They did not respond well when I did attempt to communicate with them or manage them. It felt as though they were scared because of my title. In my mind I always showed the love of Christ, grace, mercy, etc… But in there eyes, here comes the boss and what is she going to want. I thought maybe they were guilty of something if I made them nervous, or, that someone said something negative about me and that made them nervious. One lady left to another part of the company and on her way out she accused me of talking bad about her. I had not spoken bad about her at all. From that day forward when I went to work in her department, I wrote everything down. I felt like the people in that department misconstrued things and were gossips. Anyway, I don't work with any of those people anymore and am on my way to start my dream job- so I want to learn from these things and be even more Christ like in my next assignment. What do you recommend?
Your Mom did her homework and made it rock but I wanted you to know that I did my homework too. I worked really hard on it and got way ahead. Then I proceeded to talk to everyone about it and encourage others to do their homework. And I witnessed to others as I was explaining the homework. Just wanted to share that with you.
Its great that you are telling many women from East LA that God is against favoritism. A lot of people I work with were there. However, those women do not have a favoritism bone in their body. They give to everyone equally and their only disparity or extra treatment goes to the most needy. They are extra polite to the most needy. It's sad that the people who need to hear this the most are the business owners, the men/women that work in public office and owners of nonprofit organizations in the United States. Yes, non profits! These groups of people are the most discriminating people I have ever come across. They treat workers like crap and the only smiles they have are for people who kiss up to them or who have money or who have something to give them. The more fame, noteriety or money these people get, the harder they are to deal with. Not sure if they would listen to a young girl from East LA but they are the ones that most need this message.
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