Are you ready to for some scandal? No, I’m not talking about Olivia Pope and her ways of fixing Washington DC’s scandals on the The Hill. I’m referring to a message that James wrote to the early Church!

As promised, the videos from a summer bible study series I taught a while back will be posted here every Saturday morning. Why? Because I love God’s Word and any time I can give it away for free, I will.

I remember wanting to dive into the bible when I was in college but not having the $69.99 to buy a particular DVD series and the additional $19.99 for the study guide. Like TuPac, I was struggling to make a dollar out of 15 cents, so dropping cash on a biblical resource was too painful.

Since then, it’s been my heart to provide resources to any and all who want them. Albeit, the recording is older and not high-tech [it was recorded in 2009 when I was single, not a mom, and didn’t live on a budget], but the message is simple. You can watch the topical study videos OR you can pick it up a notch and download the James Study Guide to work on as your bible study during the week. There are three assignments each week that prepare for the full understanding of the study.


Before you begin:

The book of James deals with the practical side of faith. You know, trusting God even in hard times. Think about the way you have responded to a trial or recent difficulty in your life. How would you describe your attitude during this time? What does your response to this situation reveal about your view of God?

What you should know:

Like many of the early church leaders, James served under a constant threat of persecution and violence. Both the Roman Empire and the Jewish religious leaders had reasons to persecute as many Christians as possible. To the Romans, Christians were troublemakers; to the Jewish leaders, they were blasphemers. James wrote to his brothers and sisters about the benefits that could result from hardship and the importance of living genuine lives of faith.

Biblical Reminders:

We don’t plan for the unexpected. But the truth is life is hard and pain and difficulties are part of our life plan. If we assume the Christian life is going to be one big campfire singing Cumbaya and eating s’mores, we’ve got a rude awakening coming soon!

However, if we know life is a cocktail of pain, purpose, and a dash of passion, we can adequately prepare for life’s mishaps. Trouble might not be here right now. But oh SisterFriend, it’s coming! James helps us see that God allows the trials even for our good.

So don’t worry about why troubles come. Just prepare for them and trust God will see you through.

Download the James Study Guide and join along!

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