It’s Saturday! What does that mean? Other than working out, cleaning the house, and spending time with furry friend Ricci, it also means that I post a weekend installment in the six-week series through the book of James.

I received an email from someone who is doing the series as an online community group with some friends. Another friend of mine is going through the series with her coworkers [shout out to the APU Cougars!]. Whoever you are and whatever you do, know that this old series stills rings some relevant truths.

As we journey through another week of James, it’s important to note a few things:

The bible describes faith as belief that results in a dynamic, active response to God’s grace. The belief and trust part focuses on God, and they active part focuses on gratitude and obedience. Faith is not “belief in works” or even “belief in faith,” but it is works coming out of a settled trust in God. Both workless faith and faithless work fall short. Authentic faith trusts and obeys.

Friends, I pray we trust and obey as we journey through life. If you have any questions, comments, or stones to throw, feel free to leave a message. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of my favorite dog in the whole wide world giving his How you doin’ face. Happy Saturday, friends!

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