By and large I think I’m a healthy. I workout at least four times a week, only drink water, try to eat healthy meals throughout the day, and take vitamins (when I remember). But it’s not until I’m forced to chart my exact caloric intake, measure ounces of meat, and take bodily measurements that I’m forced to physically see how unhealthy of a person I am.

Occasionally I’ll Tweet about my food-fest of gluttonous proportions, take a picture of a heavenly dish of food, or confess a caloric trespass, but I’m usually quiet on my blog about my eating habits. Why? Because I want to give the allusion that I’m healthy in every aspect of my life. That’s the funny thing about a blog—you can create the allusion of who you desire to be. It’s like the nerd version of mySpace.

In attempts to change this, I will be daily writing post by the following rules:

  1. Live biblically for two weeks according to New Testament standards.
  2. Adhere to the moral laws of the Old Testament.*
  3. Promise to the loyal blog readers that I will not quit for two weeks.

I’ll be posting later today about something that happened yesterday at the conference which caused me to already break John 15:12 (Love one another as I have loved you), but I need some time to lick my wound.

*I have studied and love Old Testament teaching, but there is a distinction between moral laws and ritual laws. The moral laws are the ones found in the Ten Commandments: no killing, no coveting, and so forth. I’ll follow those. Ritual laws are the ones about avoiding bacon, not getting tattoos, and not shaving the corners of your head (like Orthodox Jews). In my survey of scripture, Jesus made those rules obsolete through His death on the cross.

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