We sat in the car while it rained heavily on the roof. We both have had this conversation before. We discussed what was right and what was wrong and what felt right and what felt wrong and what was wrong and what was right. But this conversation was different.

There’s wrong. There’s right. And then there’s wise.

The pounding sound of the California winter rain splashing onto my car rung out of black and white, right and wrong. But in the midst of our discussion she said something that was profound. It’s not like going there is a bad decision. I’m just not sure it’s wise.

If nature had comedic timing, it was manifold yesterday. As she concluded her thought, the rain subsided, the pounding stopped, and confusion ceased.

So much of our life would be void of conflict if we realized that just because something isn’t bad, doesn’t mean that it’s wise.ย Just because something isn’t wrong, it doesn’t mean it’s wise.

The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper. —Proverbs 19:8

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