I asked for it. I begged God to give me an answer. Whatever the answer was, I wanted it.

It’s ironic that the week I write about my fears and doing what God has called me to do is the same week I get a huge professional rejection. But this blog began as a journal of sorts; something to catalog my ministerial successes, professional failures, random occurrences, and life in between the routine.

It would detrimental to share the good, but not the bad; the pretty without the ugly. So the ugly truth is that I was gracefully informed “I wasn’t needed after all.” A series of great opportunities are no longer waiting for me to answer because the answer was, No.

Be nice. It's freezing and we have no makeup on.

I wanted to be sad and raise an angry fist and scream to the sky, Why God, WHY? But I opted to indulge in something a bit more healthy: a book, sunset, some sugar-free chocolate, and time with Brianna.

The sun sank beneath the clouds, but peeked through radiantly at some points during his descent. I was reminded of the simple fact that the sun will rise again tomorrow. And with his return will come new opportunities and new horizons not yet seen. I asked God for an answer. And though it may have not been the answer I hoped for, it was the best answer I could receive.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future…

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