Recent realization:
There’s this split, a chasm if you will, between what we do and who we are. For some people, the chasm is small and recognizable. But for others, we don’t see the connection between who God created us to be and the way we live out life.
When I speak to people about what they want to do in life, many have a blank face, some shy away from a response, and others just stare at me like I asked them about quantum physics. But almost always I encounter people who view their current profession—be it a data analyst, mother, or admin assistant—as something that doesn’t matter.
But have you stopped and thought about how you became what you became? Sure it may not be your dream position, but the unique gifts God gave you made you a viable candidate for your position. Okay, at this point the administrative assistant who answers the phone, makes photocopies, and smiles at people entering the office is rolling their eyes at me. But if you’re good at what you do, it comes naturally, and your efficient at organizing and managing tasks, you’re operating within your God-given talents. You’re organized, a multi-tasker, gifted with hospitality and a keen sense for administration.
Hear me out. I’m seeing people falling victim to the Meme Syndrome! It’s all about Me. Woe is Me. Why Me? Listen, don’t underestimate what comes easy to you may be difficult to others.
Why me, isn’t the question to be asked. The better question would be, how am I learning and strengthening my skills and gifts to use them when I’m doing what I want to do be doing?
Be faithful with the small and you will be able to do greater things because of the endurance, experience, and expertise you acquired doing what you’re doing now. The bible backs this up: Luke 16:10
Be faithful with the small. Happy Friday! 🙂
Good stuff!
Needed this today. Thank you 🙂
Its my honor you read it 🙂
Really loved this post.. thanks .. have a lovely weekend..☺♥
Awesome 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Great post. I can completly related to it, it was me about 4 ish years ago but I found a cure for the "meme syndrom"! I got off my rear and did something about it instead of complaning, while doing what I know what to do best
Amen, sister!
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