The event host recounted a story of a woman who called to get tickets for the Horizon Christmas Tea. Unfortunately the event was sold out, but the caller insisted on attending even if it meant hosting a table for the tea. Alison, the event host, went on to share that at the last minute a table was opened and the caller and her three friends were able to attend the event after all.

When I asked Alison who these crazy girls were, she confusingly responded, Your blog readers.Β 

When I heard this I immediately asked her where their table was. I left the green room, grabbed my notes, and marched to find them. If blog readers came out to an event YOU BETTER BELIEVE I’M GOING TO FIND THEM. Alison thought the whole thing was slightly stalkerish, but I thought it was amazing!

See, here’s the thing. Everyday I’m committed to documenting the journey the Lord is taking me on. The successes and failures. The wins and losses. The ugly and beautiful. For those that have been following along, it feels like we’re friends. Like for real friends. Weird, right? Yes, yes it it.

When Alison introduced me to the table, Briana [my blog friend] responded with, Oh my gosh! To which I replied, Oh my gosh! We were both excited to see each other but for totally different reasons. I was excited to meet someone who would take the concerted effort to attend an event I was speaking at and she was excited that I was so excited to meet her. It was all very cyber-worldish.

As she explained how she finagled tickets to attend the event, I just hugged her. Really, what else could I have done? She then introduced me to Denise. It took me a second, but I totally knew Denise. Denise writes comments. Denise posts stuff on my Facebook wall. Denise’s last name is DeCarbo. I know Denise! When I said, Hi, Denise DeCarbo, she about had a hot flash. You know my name, she squealed. Then I squealed because she thought I was someone cool. We were both embarrassing ourselves.

I met their friends, Sarah and and Brit, and we agreed to meet up after the event to take a picture. I wanted to document the day blog readers and followers became real friends. I found a large sign which read JOY. Meeting them was such a joyous experience, I knew it was the perfect spot.

Brit, Briana, Sarah, me, and Denise DeCarbo <3

Honestly, I love meeting people who believe that we are on a journey together. As weird as it sounds, I love connecting with people who love God, love others, and want to see the world be a better place by inhabiting the commands of Jesus.

I’ll be speaking at Whittier Area Community Church tomorrow. If you’re there, I’d LOVE to meet you. There may not be a joy sign available, but know that it would be my joy to meet you! πŸ™‚ I’ve requested a few tickets be saved for blog readers [even though the event is closed]. If you would still like to buy a ticket, call (562 )945-4500 to request a ticket.

Have you ever had a cyber friend you met in real life? How’d it go? Inquiring minds want to know… πŸ˜‰

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