“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”
“Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”
“As long as you know men are like children, you know everything!””
“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.”
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”

Coco Chanel

These quotes were brilliantly uttered by a woman who is a legend to many. But in no way do they show the complete picture of her character, comportment, or demeanor. In isolated phrases of wit or wisdom, an image is manufactured in our minds of who Coco Chanel was and the impact she left behind.

But does this show her heart? Does this show her ethos? Does this explain her passion, purpose, or pursuit?

Jesus Christ spoke life and liberty into heart and minds of sinners and saints alike. The man from Nazareth caused riots and revivals from the message He proclaimed, liberty and freedom to the oppressed through the reciting of scripture, and fulfilled prophesy through his spoken words.

But what about the unstated? What about the unsaid? What can we learn from the humanity of Jesus through the observations of those who lived with him and the prophetic words of those who lived before him?

Jesus knew paternal love through the years of care from Mary and Joseph. Jesus knew the pain of loss as he saw his friends bitterly weep over the death of Lazarus. Jesus knew the act true forgiveness as he washed the feet of the man who would betray him. Jesus knew embarrassment as he was mocked by religious elite and Roman officials. Jesus knew physical pain as he endured a beating, lashing, and pummeling at the hands of those who despised him.

In each of these accounts, not a documented word from Christ’s lips were uttered. However, in his silence we learn so much.

When faced with varying situations, the things we say aren’t always the things people remember. Taking the example from Jesus, sometimes our actions speak louder than our words.

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