Purity. Purity, purity, purity. That word makes me cringe. Don’t ask me why, but it does. Oh no, not the implications of the word, but the sound of it. Purrrrriteeeee. It sounds so Victorian… or worse, Purrrrritanical.

Maybe it was my encounter with the word that made me forever loathe it. Thanks to my mother and her Importance of Purity talk, my eleven year-old self hated the word. And if I’m completely honest with you, I hated my mom for the entire day because she ruined my afore believed doctrine of the stork bringing babies.

But I digress.

When discussing the issue of purity, it’s as if most minds go to a purity ring and saying something along the lines Save yourself for the One to every teen in student ministries. But is that it? Is the success of purity keeping the ring on and legs crossed until college graduation?

Sexual purity is expected in elementary school, less customary in junior high school, uncommon in high school, and uncool in college. But there a whole new level of weird when you abstain from sex outside of marriage as an adult.

Talking about purity to anyone was who doesn’t understand 1 Corinthians 6:19 [along with many other references], it’s not uncustomary, uncommon, or uncool—it just odd. The I’m saving myself for marriage line or the I’m waiting to give this this gift to my wife explanation, isn’t cute when you’re 28, 36, or literally The 40-Year Old Virgin.

I want to vlog about this on Friday, but before I go straight-up theological on the reasons, what’s your opinion? What’s your perspective? If you’re married, currently captain of the Celibate Express, or fully clueless about the topic, I want to hear from you.

Don’t give me book references or fluff. I want your opinions on:

  • What purity means to you
  • What areas are difficult
  • How purity should be handled as a public discussion
  • Funny stories from yonder years or your current situation [Like the time I told a college friend I was a virgin and intended on remaining one until marriage and she laughed. Like I was joking. Then said, That is so admirable! Wow, uh cool. Whatever.]

I Kissed Dating Goodbye [not really, but I think it’s funny],

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