We’ve heard it all. Sit here so when Mr. Bigshot comes in, you can meet him! Or, It’s not what you know, but who you know. Or, If you want to be somebody in this world, you got to fight for it. Maybe the vernacular is different, but we all have seen this equation:

Me + Networking + Powerful People = SECRET TO SUCCESS & MONEY

But that’s a lie straight from the pit! Here’s some truth: If you hustle to get to the top, you have to hustle for the rest of your life to stay there.

Two years ago, a friend of my told me to meet with Mr. Somebody Important. At first, I jumped at the opportunity, but fell down to reality with a thud when nothing organically happened. Sure, I could’ve pushed and prodded and poked my way and casually bumped into someone and gave them my card. But is that what God needs from us? Do you think God is in heaven hoping we carry an extra copy of our resume with us to pass out to a single/available hottie or prominent business owner or famous star?

Don’t believe the lies.

In a world that is shouting BE FASTER, BE HARDER, BE BETTER, God’s word tells us that is Him who does the exalting.

No one from the east or the west
or from the desert can exalt themselves.
It is God who judges:
He brings one down, he exalts another.       —Psalm 75:6-7

In the words of my friend Christine Caine, it’s better to be marked by God than marketed by men.

You want to write a book. You want to get the promotion. You want to find a mate. Don’t bust down walls or break ceilings. It’ll only leave a mess in the wake of your ambition. God is in control. Just let go and trust Him.

Anyone feel me?

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Bianca Olthoff