In Leviticus we read about the importance of offerings. Some offered pristine herd animals, some offered flock animals or birds, and others offered grain offerings. But everyone gave the best of what they could.

an aroma pleasing to the Lord.
This phrase permeates the first three chapters of the law laden book of Leviticus. Everything offered up to the Lord was a pleasing aroma. Everything.
Sometimes we can feel like what we offer is piddles compared to what she gave or he donated. But what is that to God? All we are required to offer is what we have. Don’t believe me? A poor widow in Mark 12 gave two pennies as an offering and Jesus said her offering was out of abundance.
So what are you bringing? Are you tithing to your church? Do you volunteer? When what the last time you mentored a child?
Today we have the ability to be an aroma pleasing to the Lord. Let’s do it!

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