No one ever tells you what marriage is going to look like after you say,Β I do. After the unity candle is lit, the vows are exchanged, and you walk down the aisle as man and wife, what happens next?

The professional married people make it look so easy. What are professional married people, you ask? I’ll tell you. They are the ones who finish each other’s sentences, never argue with each other, and incessantly post Instagram photos of each other looking skinny, happy, and punch-drunk in love. I love them! They inspire me to be a better wife, but also cause me anxiety because the reality is that I’m not.

These couples are everywhere; the market, work, church, and online. Definitely online. Everything looks so lovely with a filter, a border, and a romantic hashtag [#Lucky #He’sHot #MarriedUp #BoomBoomPow]. But being a professional married person is very hard and social media has made it even harder to have a realistic relationship without comparing it 140 characters of twitterpated tweets.

Take for example yesterday. [Insert realism here]

Matt’s birthday was yesterday. The day started out filled with sugar and sweets and attempted perfection. Cropped photo, beautiful cupcakes, special candles. [#I’mAwesome]


Buuuuuuuut the tide changed when I realized that I had a scratchy throat and cough from sleeping in a room that polar bears would find freezing. Apparently I married a human heater who needs the bedroom to be subzero every night. I snapped at him for sleeping with the windows open and the fan on in 40 DEGREE WEATHER.

What I failed to start the day off with was the good ol’ traditional,Β Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Tip 1: If it’s your spouse’s birthday, don’t complain about anything. Ever. Even when glaciers pass you in the middle of the night.

I attempted to salvage the birthday by apologizing and admitting I was a jerk. Yay! Back to being a professional married couple. I’m running around the house trying to get the kids dressed while signing his birthday card. This multi-tasking step-mom is ON IT, people.

Tip 2: Never address parenting techniques on your spouse’s birthday. Ever. Even when you think you are the Cesar Milan of child rearing.

Since I was on a roll, I decided to talk to Matt about some discipline ideas to enlist for the kids since there have been some behavioral things we need to nip in the bud. I wish I had a professional married person to tell me that having conflict resolution at the breakfast table with two kids running about before school at 7:00am isn’t the wisest thing to do on a birthday.

Tip 3: Never leave a conversation unresolved on your spouse’s birthday. Ever. The pride will cause you to fall. Literally.

I was flustered that the conversation wasn’t being resolved [aka: Matt didn’t see I was right], so I left the table frustrated and determined to let him know how wrong he was by using my body language. My passive aggressive techniques only get me into more trouble, but again, I’m an amateur when it comes to marriage.

I got dressed, grabbed my work bag and coat in one hand and my dog Ricci in the other as I attempted to zoom down the stairs, and maybe even stomp to show him I mean business! Slight problem: When you stomp down a flight of stairs while carrying 20 pounds of stuff in your hands, it’s highly probable you will fall down a flight of stairs.

Tip 4: Always use the 12 magic words that will save your marriage. Always. Even if you don’t really mean them in the moment.

I am sorry. It’s my fault. Please forgive me. I love you. These words given to me by my father echoed in my mind as I sat on the bottom of the stairwell sobbing uncontrollably. I wasn’t sure what hurt more, the shoulder I landed on or my pride. Matt ran down the stairs and gave me hug. I apologized. I accepted fault. I asked for forgiveness. I said I loved him.

Today was suppose to be a post about what professional married people do for their spouse’s birthday. And I wanted to show pictures with filters and borders and flawless skin. But the truth is that married couples occasionally have falling outs… and falling downs. The truth that needs to be shared is yes, there are moments when marriage is absolutely perfect and you are best friends. But there are also moments when all you can do to survive is suck it up and die to self. And that my friends, is what professional married people do.Β 

When two amateurs agree to kiss and makeup, forgive and forget, love and accept, they are a step closer to becoming professionals. πŸ˜‰


For any marriage folks out there—amateur or professional—feel free to give suggestions. This is a safe place! πŸ˜‰

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