I’m usually very neurotic about how I pack my luggage. Rolled, organized, laid out. However, on my overnight trip for work this week, I guess I didn’t think through my outfits because I pulled out the shirt I was going to wear and noticed it was sheer. As in, virtually see-though. I almost always pack an undershirt with me, but like I mentioned, I totally failed. 

My ride was waiting outside ready to take me to the airport, so I did the most logical thing I could do: reached for the only option available.

Dressed. Packed. Rolling on four wheels. I knew I looked like a hot mess, but I didn’t know how bad I looked until I saw my reflection at the airport. Sparkly wedged TOMS heels, jeans that need to be retired, my last-resort top, and a blazer that is two sizes too small. I can hear Anna Wintour right now banishing me to Dante’s third ring of fashion hell.

But the truth about my baggage faux pas wasn’t solidified until Matt picked me up from the airport with a big, Hey, I missed y—WHAT are you wearing? Is that your pajama top?! He bust out into fits of laughter and I tried to explain why I had to—had to—wear my black and white polka dot pajama top under my blazer. 

It was to no avail, Internet! He harassed me the entire car ride and insisted we go out to dinner in my bed wear. When I told him after dinner that I was exhausted. His snarky reply of, Well, at least you’re ready for bed, warranted a punch in his arm. 

Yes, I have baggage. And not the kind that’s well-packed. 

Speaking of baggage, starting tomorrow I’m going to do a short series on Adultlescents/Twixters/20Somethings/[insert pejorative term here], about life, jobs, and living at home. As someone who got married past the marrying age and lived at home waaaaaay too long with an unused Master’s degree, I have tons of baggage… none of which has an undershirt or cute top to wear for traveling. 

Help: What do you see the largest struggle for 20Somethings is? If you’re between the ages of 18-32, what do you want to hear addressed? If you’re over 30 year old and unmarried/living at home, why? 

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Girl With The Polka Dot Pajama Top 

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