Sometimes in divine, cosmic connections, I get to meet people I didn’t know existed prior to the Internet. These people are more than random faces staring at screens. They are real people who love and hurt and laugh and cry; who ache and grow and change; who believe friendships can be formed from miles apart of each other.

Two years ago I read a blog comment from a Brit by the name of Suzanne. She was candidly raw, sarcastic, and truly English in her stiff-upper-lipness. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who was interested in her story. With one click over to her blog, Melissa too liked the American-loving Brit.

Melissa was also following my blog from San Diego, California but—in her words—was a lurker who remained silent in her presence. But Mel commented on Suzanne’s blog. And Suzanne emailed her. Two years later, they are still friends who met in real life this past week.

In the name of love, we were all connected for a quick bite to eat at one of my favorite OC spots to talk about life, love, and the pursuit of Jesus. In real life. Yes, our online friendships went offline.

From England to San Diego, I’m honored to connecting with several hundred friends tonight. If you want to join in online, here’s your link!

I hope to meet one day. Either in the comment box or in real life. Thanks for being part of this journey. I’m better because of you. Yes, you.

If you’re going to watch online, let me know so we can holla’ at you! πŸ™‚

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