Everything I wanted to escape as a child was mediocrity. Being average, laying on the medium, accounted as the center variable was the curse of all mankind. As years pass, I’m daily faced with the reality that I am the average. I am the medium variable. I am like your friend’s cousin’s mother’s neighbor’s daughter who wants so much more in life, but is painfully average.

But this year has reminded me that average people can do amazing things. One step out of the proverbially boat can change your life. One rock can kill a giant. One prayer can heal the sick. One act of an average person can cause a ripple effect in the hearts, lives, and minds of those watching.

The goal isn’t to be average. The goal is to identify what you can do given your circumstances. In 2012, I don’t want us to look at who we are. I want to look at who we can be. Even if it feels average. Enjoy the rewind post!


The average age someone accepts Jesus as their savior is 6. The average American will graduate high school at 18. The average marrying age is 27. The average age a women has a child is 25. The average age a house is purchased is 34. The average age of retiring from a profession is 65. The average life span is 76 years.

Average. Average sounds like a dirty word. Maybe it’s because my inner, delusional perfectionist believes I’m not average. But to a large extent, the numbers, statistics, and percentages are based on people much like me. Sure, I didn’t marry by 27, let alone birth a child, but my life is much like yours.

I have dreams and goals, fears and failures. We all do. Owning a home, graduating college, traveling there, getting that job, meeting that person. But in between the dreams and fear, in between the goals and failure, is where we find our self most of the time.

I want to live life on the edge all while holding to a safety rope. I want to make the world better, but I don’t want it to cost me anything. I want to heal and mend and restore, but it can’t make me uncomfortable or scared or tired.

I want to be safe. I want to be assured. I want to be… average.

What if our lives looked different? What if maybe, just maybe, we are be risk takers? What if God is calling you, average middle aged woman, older business man, young college student, to get out of the boat and walk on water?

Walk on water? That’s impossible! Yeah, that’s what Peter thought too until he asked God to allow him to do the impossible. On an average night, in an average town, on an average lake, God took an average man and did the IMPOSSIBLE. And all Peter did was ask, …tell me to come to you on the water.

Peter was still an average man. He still worked his average job. He still made average mistakes. But his life was anything but average after he encountered the living God.

I’m average. And the truth is you’re average too. But I serve a God who wants to use me and you and our average lives, at t-ball games, in offices, on campus, to live lives knowing we can walk on water. If we ask…

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